Evolutionary progress describes magnitude and direction of evolution. Progress is measurable by level and pace.
There is progress in evolution which is obvious to everyone who compares the simplicity of an archaic bacterium with the complexity of vertebrates, or the simple structure of a hunter-gatherer society with our present day societies.
The notion of progress in evolution is controversial as evolution is not measurable and even harder to explain. On this page, the main points of progress in fauceir evolution are outlined. The problems are similar with the problems in physics before the introduction of Newton's Mechanics.
Analogies with Newtonian Classical Mechanics
Observer's location
[Error: Wrong macro arguments: "ProgressAngle" for macro 'img' (maybe wrong macro tag syntax?)]
The picture shows how a translatory motion is projected depending on the position of the observer. In addition to distance and angle with the direct of the motion as depicted the the perceived progress also depends on the motion of the observer.
Evolutionary path
[Error: Wrong macro arguments: "ProgressConvoluted" for macro 'img' (maybe wrong macro tag syntax?)]
This picture shows that evolutionary progress as motion is not essentially linear, so as a momentary velocity can be defined in Newtonian Mechanics a momentary velocity of progress that has magnitude an direction should be measured for each evolutionary progress.
[Error: Wrong macro arguments: "ProgressObscured" for macro 'img' (maybe wrong macro tag syntax?)]
Additionally, the path of evolutionary progress can be partially hidden symbolized by a cloud in the picture above.
Fauceir generalization
As in classical mechanics the direction can be defined as three dimensional vector that has a value in each direction (x,y, and z), the fauceir concept of progress is more complicated as progress may occur in an multi-, not only three-, dimensional space.
Furthermore, classical mechanics measures velocity in relation to time. As time is a fauceir two in fauceir theory the velocity of progress can be measured in relation to any fauceir.
Conclusively: Classical mechanics is a special case of fauceir theory, as is Einstein's theory of curved spaces.
Ecotype is a specific phenotype of a species that occurs in in a certain environment, ecosystem, only. Usually other species that live in the same ecosystem define the ecotype. As the ecotype may be inherited but rapidly changes when the ecosystem changes, it is assumed that ecotype is an epigenetic phenomenon.
In this graph species 1 shows a different ecotype in ecosystem A and B as it interacts with other species 2+3 and 4+5, respectively.