logo4 Evolution is progress—                          
progress is creativity.        

Enslavement Rule

Rule of an Inherent Tendency to Enforce Enslavement is a special case of the Property Inheritance Rule.

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The rule can be logically inferred from the Property Inheritance Rule. As better enslavement is an advantage in selection. Those fauceirs have been selected that improved their enslavement and inherited that behavior to its master.


  • The most developed nations are the most aggressive ones.
  • The higher a species is involved the more specialized, enslaved, are the different parts of the central nervous system. The most primitive nervous systems such as the nerve net found in species in the phylum Cnidaria all nerve cells are equally functionally important.
  • Empires tend to expand and to suppress internal resistance. Empires become empires, because they are especially good at enslavement.
  • The tendency to enslave increases from physical over chemical, biochemical, biological up to social fauceirs. If you put a table in your house it probably wont try to enslave you, if you acquire a pet their tendency to enslave you would be perceptible but minimal, but if you create a bureaucratic structure it almost certainly will try to enslave you.


Some people might become confused now as they believe slavery in human societies was a much more pronounced enslavement compared to democratic structures of todays modern states. As a matter of fact the enslavement nowadays is much more pronounce than it was some millennia ago. What really has changed is that enslavement is not so aggressive, torturous, and paralyzing, according to the liberty rule. But while in slavery people with different social and cultural background were forced to work by punishment. The enslavement nowadays is more subtle beginning with upbringing and education at school and further enhanced by social pressure. I also hypothesize that by the years social selection pressure caused aggressive alleles disappeared from our genome, and we as humans became more compliant.

Tags: Rules Theory

Niche Construction - Its Frightening Implications

Niche construction is neatly outlined in a book [Error: Wrong macro arguments: "2366" for macro 'ref' (maybe wrong macro tag syntax?)] . In its preface the authors claim:

As our investigation proceeded, it appeared the ramifications of niche construction grew to frightening proportions.

I exactly understand what is frightening the authors here. It is the anticipation of a new evolutionary concept which becomes applicable to human social evolution as well and which challenges the values maintained by official propaganda.

It was just the same reason that scared off editors to publish fauceir theory for more than a decade now.

Yes there is a fundamental ideological struggle between those who strive for social progress based on knowledge deduced from evolutionary theory and those who strive to confine evolutionary theory in its narrow, biological limits or deny it altogether.

Every kind of propaganda, ideology, and even war can be understood as niche construction at the social level. If that evolutionary perspective is taken every ideology become reduced to just what it is a temporary and locally attempt of niche construction conducted by the rulers to maintain their power. It is indeed frightening as shows how fragile such belief systems can be.

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Fauceir's Environment

A fauceir's environment is the sum of all neighboring fauceirs capable to exchange information or exert some type of control. This includes master as well as slave fauceirs.

The function of an environment is to provide incentives for a fauceirs adaptation.

This perspective allows two conclusions:

  1. A fauceir adapts to meet the requirements of both internal, element, or slave fauceirs and external, aggregate, or master fauceirs.
  2. As the environment consists of fauceirs themselves, it is not constant but subject to adaptation and evolution too.
  3. Finally, adaptation is a bidirectional process. The fauceir adapts as well as its environment. The adaptation of the environment is called niche construction if the external environment is changed, and enforced enslavement if the internal environment is changed.

The relationship between any given fauceir (F) and its internal (I) and external (E) environment is depicted in the two graphics below. The bluish arrows signify the direction of influences that enforce niche construction and the greenish arrows signify the opposite efect exerted on element fauceirs, enforced enslavement.

The first picture illustrates the fauceir's (F) self-centered,"egoistic", perspective.

A fauceir influence on its environment

The second picture illustrates the same situation, but the fauceir (F) observed from somewhere at the outsite.

A fauceir influenced by its environment


(c) Mato Nagel, Weißwasser 2004-2024, Disclaimer