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Human Cannibalism

Human cannibalism is the use of other human's body parts for nutrition, to meet, so to say, the need of essential nutrients and energy supply.


From fauceir perspective cannibalism is the enslavement of one human individual (the supplier of food) by an other individual (man eater).

Evolution of cannibalism

Cannibalism started naturally. Cannibalism is a common feature among primitive carnivore animals. By contrast higher animals are endowed with instinct to protect its own kind which generally includes cannibalism. To my knowledge among mammals only rats evolved behavioral pattern that if particularly hungry they include other rats into their menu. In men the situation is different. Men posses a brain, and higher neuronal function is capable to override inborn instincts, so they began to experiment with other sources of nutrients. Those experiments provided a great evolutionary advantage as it allowed to survive famine. Therefore, it probably came natural that our ancestors tried human corpses and even killed other people to satisfy hunger.


(c) Mato Nagel, Weißwasser 2004-2025, Disclaimer