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Fauceir inheritance

The concept of fauceir inheritance is different from heritage.

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  • The task of inheritance is to reproduce a fauceir with specific properties according to a bauplan which evolved and is memorized.
  • According to the level of evolution and the domain in which it occurs several types of inheritance can be distinguished
    • biological inheritance - The passing on of information from one generation to the next. This is considered the typical example of inheritance.
    • ecological inheritance - This in particular is a phenomenon of niche construction. The environmental changes in a constructed niche is inherited to the next generations [Error: Wrong macro arguments: "2366" for macro 'ref' (maybe wrong macro tag syntax?)] .
    • social/cultural inheritance - This includes all the social influence a new individual adapts during development. This type of inheritance is sometimes used synonymously with heritage although fauceir theory makes a clear distinction.
  • The difference between inheritance and heritage is just the point of view.


As introduction may serve the well known fairy tale //Puss in Boots//. Recall, the three brothers inherited three different subject when their father, a miller, died. The eldest son got the mill and certainly became a miller again. The second received the mule and probably developed a haulage business. The youngest, however, was fobbed off with a cat and his inimitable development is what finally makes his story so charming.

This story illustrates two points hat make up the essence of inheritance. (1) Fauceir inheritance is an event that has some bearing on the future, and the effects last beyond the initial event. In out fairy tale the second brother if successful probably would stay in the business even if the mule dies. (2) Fauceir inheritance is not only about the fauceir actually inherited or the fauceirs with which it actually interacts, through a chain of controlled interactions events can be affected that quite distant from the initial event, both in time and space. For instance, if we take together this little fairy tale and our knowledge about medieval family life, we may fictionalize that the two brother that stayed working became family fathers of families with lots of children of whom many died during pests and famine. On the other hand the now aristocratic brother would have only a few children who had a much lower death rate.

Mathematical modeling

Mathematically inheritance can be interpreted as a long lasting effect on set of random variables.

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Tags: Theory


(c) Mato Nagel, Weißwasser 2004-2025, Disclaimer