logo4 Evolution is progress—                          
progress is creativity.        

Anatomy of war

War is a fauceir that evolves temporarily to accomplish feedback among social fauceirs. It shows the typical of fauceirs nested structure. It is sub-fauceir of all connections between the opponents, and it has its sub-fauceirs as well, including all the machinery, weapons, soldiers, ideology, propaganda and so on.

Given this definition it is instantly clear that each war is different, functionally (a) and morphologically (b).

  1. For instance (a), a war might be fought for different kinds of resources: humans, land, water, drugs, oil and so on.
  2. For instance (b), war might be among social fauceirs of a common group, civil wars are among people of the same nation, wars can happen between nations, and even among groups of nations (WW1+2).

These morphological and functional differences exactly define the methods of warfare.

  1. For instance (a), if fighting for human resources (slaves) opponents won't be interested to kill to much of them, and rather will restrict killing to leaders and opponents. On the other hand, people don't matter to much if fighting just for land or other economic resources.
  2. For instance (b), the more a social fauceir is encapsulated in higher order fauceirs the higher the chances that some superior regulations take place instead of hot warfare. In the last decades, the UN successfully took up the role to negotiate among nations and even groups of nations. So we had a Cold War instead of a hot one among superpowers

The general public simply considers bloody conflicts as war. This is a rather naive view. The bloodiness of a war is determined by function and morphology as discussed above, on one hand, and by precision or imprecision, on the other one. The primary goal of a war is to overturn a certain social fauceir or to steal resources. Nowadays, killing humans and destroying buildings may be considered rather as collateral damage—imprecision when talking in fauceir terms.


(c) Mato Nagel, Weißwasser 2004-2025, Disclaimer