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The dictionary definition of anthropocentrism is considering human beings as the most significant entity of the universe. This term is often used in a negative sense, as in this article, saying: "Don't be so fixed on your narrow world view, be more open to other points." In that sense Fauceir Theory is anti-anthropocentrism in the extreme. But, on the other hand it provides a plausible scientific explanation why anthropocentrism happens and that it is absolutely necessary for the evolution of the human race.

Selfishness and self-centered behavior is a common feature in all fauceirs at least in all those that survived and gave rise to even more advanced fauceirs. Selfishness is part of an fauceir's self defense mechanisms essential for its survival. Conclusively anthropocentrism is a self defense mechanism of some human fauceirs, but which one. Of course, it is not the self defense mechanism of a human individual. At that level we call selfishness egoism. No, anthropocentrism is a feature that evolved in human societies. It is the answer of a human society to threads generated outside that compound. Therefore it is not surprising that wikipedia discusses exclusively religious and philosophical in connection with anthropocentrism.

Admittedly, there existed and still exist other not human-centered world-views. But all those have one thing in common. They are defeated by anthropocentric world-view that dominate the world.

Tags: Behavior


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