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Levels of Fauceir Change

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Synonyms: Types of Fauceir Change

Three levels of change in fauceirs can be distinguished.

  1. Mutation.
  2. Adaptation.
  3. Evolution.

In any given fauceir the possibilities of mutations are abundant. Many of these are deleterious. Some of those are improvements under certain environmental conditions but worse under other circumstances. In fauceir theory we call those changes adaptations. Finally some changes even enhance the overall capabilities of a fauceir, which is when evolution occurs.

The set diagram shows the relationship among the three levels of fauceir change.

Levels of fauceir change

The red circle depicts the number of mutations, the adaptations are yellow, and only the green circle indicates progressive changes.


(c) Mato Nagel, Weißwasser 2004-2025, Disclaimer