logo4 Evolution is progress—                          
progress is creativity.        

Hermann Joseph Muller

Hermann Joseph Muller (1890–1967) was an American geneticist. Into evolutionary theory he introduced the Muller's ratchet.
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This concept includes that an evolutionary achievement becomes fixed. As a ratchet you cannot rewind evolution.

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Conrad Hal Waddington

Conrad Hal Waddington (08/11/1905-26/09/1975) was a system biologist who introduces the concepts of genetic assimilation and epigenetic landscape.
Conrad Hal Waddington

I personally like the idea that he worked in Edinburgh. As I have been to Edinburgh last year I'm an admirer of that place, and want to mention its role to hatch important philosophers, of which David Hume is my favored. The phenomenon that at some places gather forward thinking people while expelled from other is consistent with the fauceir concept of fauceir inheritance of a beneficial social framework.

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