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progress is creativity.        

Linguistic construct: "For my part, I ..."

From time to time, when I can afford the time to learn, to improve my English, I browse a little booklet called "Discussing in English". It lists phrases often used in discussions. Today my pick was

For my (your, his etc.) part, I (you, he etc.) (...)

In order to learn its usage in real discussions, I googled for '"for my part, I" + evolution', and quite interesting pages popped up.

  1. I learned about a philisophy forum where a long discussion on "Evolution: Fact or Theory" was going on. Nothing to but in with the fauceir concept. They would call me outright a creationist I guess. (link)
  2. Further I learned about a cat catching a flying bat and a person (I don't know the gender) who refuses to baby talk with his/her children, but he/she reveals he/she has non, so he/she still can change his/her mind, and probably will. Well this could be an interesting subject to cover from fauceir perspective. Why people change their mind about baby talk when looking at small children or cute animals. (link
  3. An article about vegetarianism that I skiped antierely without even reading it. (link)
  4. The next article was a rather polemic one. It mainly rebuts the watchmaker argument. Logically structured and well written. I would have recommend if I hadn't read similar treatise for so many times. (link)
  5. The next blog entry was about reconciliation of evolutionary theory (science) and creationism (religion). He offered interesting thoughts about the term truth that during his lifetime evolved to a quite abstract term. As a matter of fact, if you see it that way, everybody pursues ones own truth that is only partially compatible with other at best. He, an orthodox priest, recommends interesting readings but unfotunately nothis is free. No comment on this article but lots of pingbacks. (link)
  6. The final is my favored. It's a scientific philosophical article about evolutionary units. Well, that comes close to fauceir thinking doesn't it. (link)

In summary, this little excursion provided a broad spectrum of evolutionary discussions as they are going on. That is not surprising, really, as the construct "for my part, I ..." assures a real thinker capable to questions ones own positions.


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