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progress is creativity.        

Additional Creole Formats

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The wiki page lists all common Creole formats.
Additionally, on this page Creole formats are proposed which I list here for test and reference.




Monospace or Typewriter




Text with ^^superscripted^^ parts.

Text with superscripted parts.


This is ,,subscripted,, text. 

This is subscripted text.


This is a normal paragraph.
> This is an indented 
> paragraph in two lines.
>> This is more indented.

This is a normal paragraph.
> This is an indented
> paragraph in two lines.
>> This is more indented.

Definition List

; First title of definition list
: Definition of first item.
; Second title: Second definition beginning on the same line.

; First title of definition list
: Definition of first item.
; Second title: Second definition beginning on the same line.

... probably still requires some css format changes to the <DL>, <DT>, and <DD> tags

Tags: Software


(c) Mato Nagel, Weißwasser 2004-2025, Disclaimer