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Pages Tagged with Software

Additional Creole Formats

The [[http://www.wikicreole.org/wiki/Creole1.0|wiki page]] lists all common Creole formats. Additionally, on [[http://www.wikicreole.org/wiki/CreoleAdditions|this page]] Creole formats are proposed which I list here for test and reference. === Underline {{{ __underline__ }}} __underline__ …

Tags: Software


Beautiful Soup in Django

**[[http://www.crummy.com/software/BeautifulSoup/|Beautiful Soup]]** is a handy tool to extract data from XML or HTML streams (files or strings). As I used the [[/CreoleReferenceMacro|reference macro]] with XML data copied immediately from Zotero …

Tags: Software


Creole Formula Macro

The Formula Macro already anticipated [[../TestMathFormula|here]] is working now. Mathformula macro is depricated and no longer supported. It is listed here solely for historical reasons. {{{ <>\alpha > \beta<> }}} …

Tags: Software


Comparing Markdown and Creole as Markup Languages

At the moment I opted for Creole but I'm not sure whether this was decision has a future as Creole development stoped a few year ago (The **Creole is live** …

Tags: Software


Creole Plot Macro

The creole plot macro translates the body of the macro into a code fragment, that is executed to create the picture. == Usage {{{ <> def set_figure(fig): …

Tags: Software


Creole Reference Macro

== Task == **Update:** By May 2013 all reference were changed to the JSON format, so the xml formal is no longer available on this website. I want to insert …

Tags: Software


Adding Creole Macros

I use [[http://creoleparser.googlecode.com/svn/docs/contents.html|Creole]] as [[http://creoleparser.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/creoleparser/test_pages/CheatSheetPlus.html|Markup language]]. Although the [[http://creoleparser.googlecode.com/svn/docs/modules/dialects.html|documentation]] revealed a considerable flexibility, I was unable to google reliable example until today. = Macros in Creole = == Simple Creole …

Tags: Software


Django Registration Bug

The bug in django registration module that I'm going to report is not actually a bug, but a failure of smoth interaction between the registration templates and the default backend. …

Tags: Software


Implement Zotero citations into a Django application

I wanted to provide a simple method to create citations from my web pages. I use Zotero, so I would like to offer a one-click way to include my pages …

Tags: Software

Categories: Software


This page is created only for debug purposes. Examples can be obtained from the following sources: * [[http://www.andy-roberts.net/writing/latex/mathematics_1|Getting to Grips with LaTeX part 1]] * [[http://www.andy-roberts.net/writing/latex/mathematics_2|Getting to Grips with LaTeX …

Tags: Software


Graphviz with Django and Creole

This page describes just another creole macro which renders graphviz instructions from a creole page into an image. The macro is included by the instruction. {{{ <> digraph G {Hello->World} …

Tags: Software


Creole Macro to Include Pages

As [[../CreoleToc|already outlined]] there exist [[http://code.google.com/p/urlminer/source/browse/examples/wiki/macros.py|some macros]] quite helpful to start off. == The Initial Code Fragment == <> def include(macro,environ,pagename=None): """Return the parsed content of the page identified by …

Tags: Software


Latex Formula Macro

While running the [[../FormulaMacroTestPage|Test page]] on an other server I realized that formulas are shown only in matplotlib if LaTex is properly installed. By searching the web I came across …

Tags: Software

Categories: Software

Two Lessons I Had to Learn With Django

# Django doesn't work with Windows, at least the MySql database connection. The database engine MySQLdb cannot be installed with Windows. # Please take care about file ownership and file …

Tags: Software


Overview on formula usage with creole markup language

Creole, the markup language used throughout this website, has not implemented formula rendering as wikipedia markup language, for instance. It is practicable, however, to write a macro for that purpose. …

Tags: Software

Categories: Software

Poisson Distribution

Though this article tackles **[[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poisson_distribution|Poisson distribution]]**, a type of [[../DiscreteProbabilityDistribution|discrete probability distribution]], it is rather focused on practical questions how to use [[http://matplotlib.org|matplotlib]] to construct graphs of that distribution. [[http://docs.scipy.org/doc/scipy/reference/generated/scipy.stats.poisson.html|Numpy]] …

Tags: Software Statistics

Categories: Mathematics Software

Python SimpleXML conversion to nested arrays of dictionaries

For a long time, I was looking for a python XML conversion tool that produces a structure of nested arrays of dictionaries as SimpleXML which exists with Perl. I found …

Tags: Software

Categories: Software

Venn Diagrams with Python Matplotlib and Django

Unfortunately there is no proper tool in python to visualize set operations and relations, neither in maplotlib nor in graphviz. The closest solution that I found was a Venn diagram …

Tags: Software

Categories: Mathematics Software

Reply to "Social Scientists and their Struggle with Statistics"

This is actually a reply to a post that claims to have improved statistics. It comes with a bundle of software that will be discussed here. We not only put …

Tags: Software

Categories: Psychology Sociology Software

Graphics in Sage cells: Matplotlib vs. Sage

In mathematic Sage Cells several programming languages can be used. Most popular, at least by me, are probably python > sage > r. This page discusses and demonstrates the difference …

Tags: Software

Categories: Software

Creole macro to display sage single cell server results

Synonyms: Sage single cell server macro

The sage single cell server is a convenient open source solution to add to interactive mathematical functionality to a web page. It is demonstrated [[http://wstein.org/edu/2012/1062/sagecell/|here]]. The documentation can be found …

Tags: Software

Categories: Software

Slider Widget in Django

A slider widget can be implemented in Django. **Update:** Slider widget is no longer supported as [[../SageSingleCellServerMacro|I implemented sage cells]] for that purpose which offers much more functionality (including sliders). …

Tags: Software

Categories: Mathematics Software

Sort a Dictionary in Django Templates

Sorting a dictionary means sorting the key and get the values accordingly. This task can be easily accomplished in any python code, but the template doe is somehow different as …

Tags: Software


Test Math Formula HTML

The first test were disappointing. It seems no mathematical formulas work with Creole. Neither the [[http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Help:Displaying_a_formula|mediawiki]] HTML format {{{ {{math|{{radical|1 &minus; ''e''&sup2;}}}} }}} Nor the TEX format {{{ f(x) …

Tags: Software


Python Programm to Convert old Corel Draw Files

== Problem == I have a huge library of CorelDraw files both *.cmx and *.cdr. As I use Ubuntu now, I have no option to preview these files in my …

Tags: Software


Overview of Zotero's export formats

I use this AMA style reference: {{{ 1. McMahon D. Signals and Systems Demystified: A Self-Teaching Guide. Mcgraw Hill Book Co; 2006. }}} to demonstrate the raw data exported by …

Tags: Software



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