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Creole Plot Macro

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The creole plot macro translates the body of the macro into a code fragment, that is executed to create the picture.


<<mathplot title="Image Title" show_source=True>>
def set_figure(fig):    
# add some functions


[Error: Macro 'mathplot' error: mathplot() got an unexpected keyword argument 'title']

The following example is copied from here.

[Error: Macro 'mathplot' error: mathplot() got an unexpected keyword argument 'title']

The following example is copied from here.

[Error: Macro 'mathplot' error: mathplot() got an unexpected keyword argument 'title']

The website http://matplotlib.sourceforge.net/api/axes_api.html#module-matplotlib.axes provides a whole collection of additional examples.

[Error: Macro 'mathplot' error: mathplot() got an unexpected keyword argument 'title']

Tags: Software


(c) Mato Nagel, Weißwasser 2004-2025, Disclaimer