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progress is creativity.        

Evolution Fauceir

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The term Evolution has undergone an evolution itself. From a term that describes speciation, natural selection, and adaptation, evolution diverged into a term dscribing a mere genetic variation overtime to a term that describes all kinds of progressive change in the stellar system, society, economy, science, technology and so on.

The term Fauceir Evolution is rather associated with the latter broader meaning, and in more general terms evolution is applied to evolution itself.


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Fauceir evolution applies the rules of the classical evolutionary theory to a more abstract entity, the fauceir which leads to some redefinition of generalized terms of the classical evolutionary theory.

Fauceir Evolution Clasical Evolution
Unlimited Creation Rule Variation
Insulation Rule Natural Selection
Blindness Adaptation
scalar value Selection pressure

(c) Mato Nagel, Weißwasser 2004-2025, Disclaimer