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Sigmund Freud

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Sigmund Freud (1856–1939) who defined psychoanalysis can also be considered a vordenker of fauceir theory. At least, he discovered two important feature among psychological fauceirs that are crucial to all fauceirs.

  1. Property inheritance. (Inheritance is not meant as inheritance from parents to children, but in the sense of inheritance of encapsulated psychological fauceirs in an evolving mind.)
  2. Enslavement. He called it repression, Verdrängung.

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It has to be criticized, however, that he focused inheritance and repression on sexual experiences only. But there is a myriad of fauceirs that show the same behavior, not all of them subconscious. Also consciously, stories, the units by which reality is memorized, are altered to fit a higher level fauceir, a theory for instance.

Tags: Personage

Categories: Psychology


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