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Social Fauceirs

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Social Fauceirs embrace all type of groups of individuals. For those groups of individuals to persist it requires rules and communication systems. All these rules and communication systems that maintain a group's order are element fauceirs.


Social fauceirs exist in all kingdoms. Among bacteria, plants, and animals social fauceirs can be found, but only in human societies social fauceirs evolved in such a rapid and astonishingly hight quality. Human societies evolved a myriad of slave fauceirs, helpers to rapidly adapt according environmental requirements. By contrast to any other animals humans can create new element fauceirs rapidly.

Still our human societies are rooted in animal, in particular primate, societies. Therefore our human societies harbor rudiments of animal societies' rules and communication systems. Those rules are involved in a society's behavior in a more or less subconscious way.

The behavior of human societies cannot be fully understood if neglecting these roots. I will give three examples of those animal rules still influential in human societies.

  1. One of the smallest of humans societies, the family, is tightly controlled by love an sex drive, which is genetically determined and controlled by our olfactory system [Error: Wrong macro arguments: "2806" for macro 'ref' (maybe wrong macro tag syntax?)] .
  2. In animals a behavior pattern evolved that parents care for their children. This parental care is a selectional advantage as offspring has better chances to survive and to reach maturity if shielded from adverse environmental influences while still vulnerable. This behavioral pattern lay the foundation of our moder social ruling system, including government and jurisdiction. All too often people imagine benevolent parents in the role of their rulers, even if send to death by a death sentence or war.
  3. It is an evolutionary advantage if animals refrain from killing their members of their own species. Such behavioral pattern still persists among humans. Therefore it is not surprising that human morality is influenced by such a behavior. Similar to the Ten Commandments in the Bible, we find rules that condemn killing of people in all cultures although societies often try to overrule this behavior.


Social fauceirs may be divided into the groups of individuals, societies, and helpers that regulate a societies functionality. The latter are slave fauceirs or element fauceirs. Thanks to a human brain's capabilities these supporting fauceirs evolved rapidly in human societies, and although the odor system and dancing in an ant colony or a bee hive shows many similarities with a human society, there are so many human inventions that enhance a human society's adaptability.

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Tags: Behavior

Categories: Sociology


(c) Mato Nagel, Weißwasser 2004-2025, Disclaimer