Human individuals are simultaneously members of several social groups. Those groups can have different agendas. Not only that each group has favorite goals, but also those goals can be contradictory.
[Error: Wrong macro arguments: "SocialInvolvement" for macro 'img' (maybe wrong macro tag syntax?)]
For instance the same person may act as an employee, car driver, club member, father and so on. That feelings towards a group may change rapidly and unconsciously is common knowledge. That this influences political judgments was shown in a study[Error: Wrong macro arguments: "3060" for macro 'ref' (maybe wrong macro tag syntax?)]
. Randomly selected passerbys were asked in front of a church or some other rather neutral building. The questionnaire included controversial political issues such as homosexuality. When asked near a church the answers were more compliant with religious ideologies.
[Error: Macro 'references' doesn't exist]