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Evolution of a societies life cycle

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Synonyms: History

The evolution of societies life cycles is tightly connected with human history. In fact human history is the collection of various accounts of human societies rise and fall. As a matter of fact, human history can not be properly analyzed if we restrict our analysis to social fauceirs and their life cycles alone neglecting evolution. Social evolution in particular is responsible for changes in a societies composition and behavior. The rapid evolutionary changes is what set social fauceirs apart from biological ones. Biological fauceirs are perceived as stable, though they are not, while human history is swaying. Which of these sways are live cycle and which evolution will be analysed in this article.

Lets start with a stone age tribe. The behavior of the tribe probably had not been very different from evolutionary closely related animal social compound, in particular apes, monkeys, wolves, dolphins, and others. The life cycle of a stone age tribe probably was closely related to the alpha males life. The life cycle of such a primitive society probably ended with the dead of the alpha male. After that the females probably looked for a new membership, and male youngsters probably tried their best to found an own society. If they were lucky enough to find some female followers they would start to propagate and probably to abduct other females this is the first phase of a societies life cycle, the growth.

When the society reached a certain size of say one hundred people*, the society reached the second phase of its life cycle and began to reproduce. Young males did no longer stay in the society but were driven off to create their of society. Most of them failed but some of them were probably stong enough to survive and even to challenge the former alpha male.

This most primitive type of society survived as family that even today bears many characteristics of the ancient tribe although the family became sub-fauceir to more powerful social fauceirs, societies that by enslavement dictate a family's internal behavior. Family behavior is determined by societies culture that certainly differs among nations, religions.

  • 100 is the average amount of people a human can properly memorize, so we may well guess that primitive human societies were bound to that figure.)

(c) Mato Nagel, Weißwasser 2004-2025, Disclaimer