Pages Tagged with Cell
Synonyms: Coated pit>
Coated pits are concavities in the cell membrane rich in specific proteins and lipids. They play an important role in signal transduction and endocytosis.
Tags: Anatomy Cell
**Excitotoxicity** describes a process by which nerve cells die after excessive stimulation. The accumulation of neurotransmitters in synapses is made responsible. Neurotransmitters such as glutamate can become toxic. As with …
Tags: Cell Information
Synonyms: L1 Retrotransposon>
The sequence of a typical L1 Retrotransposon [[|downloaded from NCBI]]. {{{ LOCUS HSU09116 6539 bp DNA linear PRI 26-OCT-2005 DEFINITION Human retrotransposable L1 element LRE2 from chromosome 1q. ACCESSION U09116 …
Tags: Cell DNA Genetics
Peto observed that the risk of cancer increases with the time of exposure to a cancerogene and the number of cells exposed < [>. <]> Although one would expect …
Tags: Cell Multicellularity Paradox System
Categories: Biology
Synonyms: Cell Membrane>
The **plasma membrane** in Eukaryotes separates the cell's cytoplasm from the surrounding extracellular environment. The plasma membrane is a lipid bilayer, a double sheet of phospholipids. < ![]() > Phospholipid are …
Tags: Anatomy Cell
Categories: Biochemistry
Synonyms: Transposable Elements; Mobile DNA; Selfish DNA; Junk DNA; Jumping Genes>
== Definition == **Transposons** are DNA fragments that are capable of moving from one place to an other of a cells genome. == Frequency == The frequency of transposable elements …
Tags: Cell DNA EvoDevo Evolution Genetics