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progress is creativity.        

Pages Tagged with Economy

Crony capitalism

**Crony capitalism** is capitalism falling back to feudalism as many aspects of the economy that in capitalism are controlled by a free marked are governmentally controlled again.

Tags: Control Economy

Categories: Economics Sociology


Synonyms: Economic Fauceirs

The economy is a subfauceir to human society and a container of all fauceirs that relate to human-nature interaction.

Tags: Economy

Categories: Sociology

Endowment Effect

**[[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Endowment_effect|Endowment effect]]** describes a phenomenon observed in economics. People value objects already in their possession higher than objects that can be purchased. == Classic experiment == # Two objects were …

Tags: Anthropology Behavior Economy Society

Categories: Economics Psychology

Inequality Model

As on this page the fauceir model of inequality is described, inequality is a treated as a fauceir that evolved 10,000-60,000 years ago. Inequality evolved because societies that exhibited inequality …

Tags: Anthropology Behavior Economy Evolution Society System Theory

Categories: Economics Sociology

Micro-macro relationships

In science when we often encounter processes of thought in which micro and macro relationships are distinguished and analyzed separately. Micro- and macroevolution as well as micro- and macroeconomics may …

Tags: Economy Evolution Theory


Reproduction Cycle

Synonyms: Cycle of Reproduction

The **reproduction cycle** is the major fauceir considered in economics. (Reproduction in economics is not so different from reproduction among biological fauceirs.) The theory of reproduction was as far as …

Tags: Economy Theory

Categories: Economics

Definition and measurement of social progress

Let's suppose social evolutionists don't accept the narrow definition of evolution applied by some evolutionary biologists who consider mere genetic change, such as diversification, as evolution. Let's assume social evolution …

Tags: Anthropology Economy Religion Society Theory

Categories: Sociology


Synonyms: Human Wealth

Wealth is a property of social fauceirs describing the amount of usable resources. People, families, companies, a group shareholders, nations, and even the whole human population can be wealthy. == …

Tags: Economy Sociology



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