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progress is creativity.        

Pages Tagged with Linguistic


**Abstraction** is method and result of a cognitive action that results in a new entity with a reduced number of properties to describe a real existing object. An abstraction itself …

Tags: Information Learning Linguistic Theory

Categories: Epistemology Philosophy

List of collective nouns

While searching the Internet to compose a list of collective nouns, I found that this work has been done already meticulously, so I better list the links only. # Wikipedia's …

Tags: Linguistic


Contrasting abstraction and generalization

Synonyms: Abstraction vs. Generalization

Abstraction and generalization are two epistemological fauceirs that interpret an object in a more general framework. While abstraction reduces the number of properties, generalization adds new properties. Abstraction is introduced …

Tags: Linguistic

Categories: Epistemology Psychology

Linguistic construct: "For my part, I ..."

From time to time, when I can afford the time to learn, to improve my English, I browse a little [[http://www.amazon.de/Discussing-English-Englisch-deutsche-Diskussionswendungen-Anwendungsbeispielen/dp/3150197155/|booklet]] called "Discussing in English". It lists phrases often used …

Tags: Evolution Learning Linguistic



**Generalization** is method and result of a cognitive process that creates an epistemological fauceir that succinctly describes all possible states of a set of entities. <> digraph G { rankdir="LR"; …

Tags: Information Learning Linguistic Theory

Categories: Epistemology Philosophy


Synonyms: Levtent, levtently

**Levtent** is an adjective that describes a fauceir that is reluctant to evolve and rather evades all control mechanisms that would force it to improve adaption. Levtent fauceirs are rather …

Tags: Behavior Cognitive function Evolution Linguistic

Categories: Philosophy

Vordenker - Mastermind

Synonyms: Mastermind - Vordenker

I'm a great admirer of the English language. While learning it, I always detect new words and expressions. That is new words not in the sense I have not known …

Tags: Evolution Linguistic Theory



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