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Pages Tagged with Statistics

Bayes Theorem in Genetic Counseling

The picture shows a pedigree (as good as the dot software allows) of a family with a recessive x-linked disorder. The mutated X-chromosome is symbolized by the small letter x …

Tags: Genetics Statistics

Categories: Mathematics

Bayes' theorem of probability

**Derivation of the [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bayes%27_theorem|Bayes' theorem]]** can be made by the [[../ProbabilityProductRule|multiplication rule of probability]] and some algebra. <>P(A \cap B) = P(A) \cdot P(B \mid A))<> and <>P(A \cap B) …

Tags: Statistics

Categories: Mathematics

Binomial distribution

Though this article tackles **[[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Binomial_distribution|binomial distribution]]**, a type of [[../DiscreteProbabilityDistribution|discrete probability distribution]], it is rather focused on practical questions how to use [[http://matplotlib.org|matplotlib]] to construct such distributions. [[http://docs.scipy.org/doc/scipy/reference/generated/scipy.stats.binom.html|Numpy]] offers four …

Tags: Statistics

Categories: Mathematics Software

Discrete probability distribution

By definition a **discrete probability distribution** exists if the following two requirements are met. * It exists a set of random variables <>x_i \: i=\{1,2,2,...\}<> and each of these variables …

Tags: Statistics

Categories: Mathematics

Fisher's fife-table mistakes

When reading about mathematical models of evolution you will probably inevitably bump into //The Genetical Theory Of Natural Selection//<>1<>. This book praised by many authors as the fundamental work …

Tags: Genetics Society Statistics Theory

Categories: Mathematics

Poisson Distribution

Though this article tackles **[[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poisson_distribution|Poisson distribution]]**, a type of [[../DiscreteProbabilityDistribution|discrete probability distribution]], it is rather focused on practical questions how to use [[http://matplotlib.org|matplotlib]] to construct graphs of that distribution. [[http://docs.scipy.org/doc/scipy/reference/generated/scipy.stats.poisson.html|Numpy]] …

Tags: Software Statistics

Categories: Mathematics Software

Product rule of probability

Synonyms: Multiplication rule of probability

**Product rule of probability** applies to the coincidence of two events (A and B)(<>A \land B<>). In set theory symbols this is equivalent to the event C the intersection of …

Tags: Statistics

Categories: Mathematics

Sum rule of probability

Synonyms: Addition rule of probability

**Sum rule of probability** describes the probability of the combination of two events (A **or** B) (<>A \lor B<>). In set theory symbols this is equivalent to the event C …

Tags: Statistics

Categories: Mathematics


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