logo4 Evolution is progress—                          
progress is creativity.        


In genetics, mutability describes the tendency to undergo genetic mutations. Even in biology the term can be applied to different units of organization, with a single nucleotide being the smallest. Mutability can be applied to genes, chromosomes, cells, organisms, even populations and species or higher taxa.

In common language, mutability is used to describe various subject's variability, fauceir all of them. The mutability of a fauceir is defined by its master, the degree of freedom that a master fauceir allows its slave or the stringency of control it can exert. Therefore liberty and freedom describe the same phenomenon only from a slave fauceir's perspective. We humans are born anthropocentrics, so we consider our own mutability fredom and our slaves' ill-discipline or error-proneness.


(c) Mato Nagel, Weißwasser 2004-2025, Disclaimer