> As soon as evolution provides with a surplus production of resources cheaters evolve that feed on these resources. <
> == Rational # Resources a re just fauceirs used …
The **decontextualization rule of evolution** states that while evolution advances regulatory units are driven apart by accumulation of intercalated processes. <
> Decontextualization of classical Darwinian evolution puzzles evolutionary biologists …
> Mutual visibility entails mutual dependence. <
> == Rational Proof # Visibility depends on fauceirs mutual interaction. # All interacting sides will be affected by that interaction # Conclusively …
> The rule of disparity states that with the progress of evolution some fauceirs remain at a lower stage of evolution. They not only remain at that stage even …
Tags: Rules Theory
Categories: Fauceir Theory Philosophy
Every [[../FauceirDefinition|fauceir]] follows a set of logical rules. Rules can be distinguished in empirical rules and logical rules. In an ideal case rules are logical and empirically supported. Empirical rules …
Tags: Theory
Categories: Fauceir Theory
Synonyms: Rule of Growth>
> The size rule of evolution states that a fauceir if not restricted otherwise tends to grow in size. <
> == Proof # Every fauceir is exposed to interactions. …
Tags: Core theory Rules Theory
Categories: Fauceir Theory
Synonyms: Rule of Imprecision>
> Every interaction among fauceirs entails unwanted side effects. <
> == Conclusions Imprecision is involved in all control processes. Every information exchange involves unintended side effects, collateral damage. It …
Tags: Imprecision Rules Theory
Categories: Fauceir Theory
Synonyms: Rule of blindness; Dark matter rule>
== Rule **Invisibility Rule** states that two fauceirs are mutually invisible if and only if they do not share fauceirs that can interact. The 'if and only if' indicates that …
Tags: Rules Theory
Categories: Fauceir Theory
> With element fauceirs replaced on a regular basis the process of maturation of those element recapitulates the evolutionary history of the host fauceir. <
Categories: Fauceir Theory
The **rule of dwindling mutual importance with increasing evolutionary distance** states that the greater the evolutionary distance between master and slave fauceirs the more negligible its mutual impact. == Rational …
Tags: Control Decontextualization Evolution Rules Theory
Categories: Fauceir Theory
Synonyms: Slavery Enforcement Rule;Rule of an Inherent Tendency to Enforce Enslavement>
**Rule of an Inherent Tendency to Enforce Enslavement** is a special case of the [[../PropertyInheritanceRule|Property Inheritance Rule]]. <
> The more a fauceir is evolved the more pronounced its tendency …
Tags: Rules Theory
Categories: Fauceir Theory
Synonyms: Rule of Limited Space of Existence>
> Every fauceir exists for a limited scope of existance. <
> == Rational Proof # Every fauceir consists of an unlimited number of element fauceirs. # Each of these …
Tags: Core theory Rules Theory
Categories: Fauceir Theory Philosophy
Synonyms: Rule of visibility>
**Visibility Rule** states that other fauceirs are visible to a certain fauceir if and only if both can interact. And interaction usually requires common sub-fauceirs. Visibility can be described qualitatively …
Tags: Rules Theory
Categories: Epistemology Fauceir Theory