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Synonyms: Voluntarism

Anarchism is a philosophical view and political movement that denies authority and government. The state as any hierarchical structure is opposed, and a society where people voluntarily cooperate is favored instead.

The proponents of anarchism advocate freedom, individualism, even private property and egoism. The opponents characterize the aim of anarchism as a society without law and order, similar to countries governed by rivaling militia.

The evolutionary view, the fauceir perspective is a different one.

  1. Voluntaristic, or non-hierarchical, societies are as hierachical ones different subtypes of human societies.
  2. In the animal kingdom among social animals we also find two types of social structures.
    1. The non-hierarchical structure is common in shoals of fish and flocks of birds.
    2. The hierarchical structure is seen in colony forming insects, packs of wolves and troops of apes.
  3. As we most likely descent from ancestors whose societies were hierarchical structured the hierarchical social structure is the most common among humans too.
  4. Animals' social structure is almost hard wired in their brains, so it is nearly impossible for them to leave that structure within a lifetime. A genetic adaptation through several generations is possible but most unlikely among lower evolved animals and still uncommon among higher ones. Ape species only, humans' nearest relatives, show a slight variation.
  5. Humans posses a much more flexible brain function, so some individuals can switch to a non-hierarchical society.
  6. Prerequisites for human to change the preferred social structure are among others
    1. The ability to rationally overcome the biologically hard wired desire for a hierarchical social structure.
    2. A society that not reiterates, reinforce, the biological preformed hierarchical structure.

From these considerations, it is impossible to deduce neither the advantage nor the disadvantage of anarchism. And if fact, by fauceir theory, neither the decline nor the victory of non-hierarchical social structures can be predicted. On the contrary, fauceir social evolution is compatible with coexistence and division of labor among these types of society.

We already know from the points given above, that people who act instinctively will find themselves more likely in hierarchical societies and non-hierarchical societies will be dominated by rational people. This is for a good reason. As we know rational people are mostly intellectuals whose intellectual productivity is much greater in non-hierarchical social compounds. The typical examples of non-hierarchical social structures are some groups of researchers. As every hierarchy curbs liberty and as a fauceir rule liberty is essential to evolutionary progress, creativity demands non-hierarchical social structures. This by the way is why I fled the hierarchical structure of a hospital and started my own enterprise.

Although non-hierarchical societies have a great advantage in respect of its members creativity, they are quite vulnerable. Possessing better abilities to defend themselves and even to aggressively submit other societies is the hallmark of hierarchical societies. In a competition with hierarchical societies, non-hierarchical societies always fail. And this can be observed in human history too. Either non-hierarchical societies turned aggressive and hierarchical abandoning a great part of their fundamental principles, or they went extinct. Stable non-hierarchical societies are only observed where hierarchical societies protect and feed them.

If not the eventual triumph of non-hierarchical societies can be predicted by fauceir theory what else can be foreseen. Well, the social structure began to differentiate and will further proceed in that direction. Non-hierarchical societies will increasingly manage creativity that becomes more and more essential to the persistence of human kind. And hierarchical societies will provide food and protection as they did almost exclusively for millennia. The differentiation of human societies will proceed along the same path as cells did, forming tissues and organs with different functions. Most of these organs maintain vegetative functions, such as reproduction and providing nutrients, and are hierarchically controlled. Whereas, in one organ, the central nervous system, the cells act more independent. And even the central nervous system is differentiated, the evolutionary older structures being the most hierarchical and the brain cortex, the most recent advent and the predominat part of a human's brain, being the most flexible enjoying the greatest freedom. In a similar way the evolution of social structures on earth can be predicted. Non-hierarchical structure will become more abundant, but they still have to subsist on hierarchical structures.


(c) Mato Nagel, Weißwasser 2004-2025, Disclaimer