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Romeo And Juliet Conflict

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Synonyms: Romeo And Juliet Phenomenon

The famous play Romeo and Juliet written William Shakespeare serves as a typical example of social fauceir conflict on this page.

The root of this conflict is the collision of a social fauceirs interest with individual, mostly biological, interests of the two lovers. Romeo and Juliet belong to different families that are sworn enemies, social fauceirs, so to say, with their natural competition. Both comply with their social fauceirs as all kids do because the family provides all the necessary protection. Then, both fall in love thereby creating a new fauceir between them that is driven by their own biological desire to mate and to create an own family.

This conflict uncovers the existence of different sometimes even opposing forces that act on a single person. Individuals cope with such problems all the time and adjust their behavior appropriately. Still most, if not all social problems arise from such contradictions between fauceirs a person is involved in.

Examples are family problems and other problems of partnership. Job problems such as mobbing and discrimination. Alkoholism, Drug abuse, compulsive gambling and other addictive disorders are the pathologies that strike a single person. Amok, terrorism, and asocial behavior how those conflicts are perceived from the social fauceir's perspective.

Those conflicts are so abundant that they can be felt almost everywhere and are covered in literature. Even the Romeo and Juliet plot has been reiterated thousand of times. Some of there reiterations became famous as well as Intrigue and Love and the movie Titanic. That this conflict is not only problem of lovers illustrates this play Servant of Two Masters


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