Pages Tagged with Cladistics
Synonyms: Autapomorphic Trait>
In cladistics autapomorphy describes traits that are unique to one species and therefore useless in cladistic analysis. The angiosperm pterospora provides an illustrative example. It is an parasitic plant that …
Tags: Cladistics Theory
In fauceir terms **Cognition** is a psychological fauceir that links human perception to rational behavior. Needless to say that cognition as a fauceir has a whole bunch (in fact an …
Tags: Anthropology Cladistics Cognitive function Evolution Psychology
Categories: Psychology
Synonyms: History of Social Rules, Social Rules>
**Social Rules** are slave fauceirs of social groups specifically designed to keep control of group member's behavior. The hierarchy proposed on this page is based on evolutionary distance. Three groups …
Tags: Anthropology Behavior Cladistics Evolution Psychology
Categories: Psychology Sociology