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progress is creativity.        

Pages Tagged with Decontextualization

Decontextualization Rule

The **decontextualization rule of evolution** states that while evolution advances regulatory units are driven apart by accumulation of intercalated processes. <> Decontextualization of classical Darwinian evolution puzzles evolutionary biologists …

Tags: Decontextualization Evolution Rules

Categories: Fauceir Theory


Synonyms: Accumulation of Knowledge, Development of understanding

**Epistemology** is a branch of philosophy that studies how knowledge is accumulated. The accumulation of knowledge is explained as a fauceir evolution process, what a surprise :-). Fist we consider …

Tags: Cognitive function Decontextualization Imprecision Information Learning Psychology

Categories: Philosophy Psychology

Rule of Dwindling Importance

The **rule of dwindling mutual importance with increasing evolutionary distance** states that the greater the evolutionary distance between master and slave fauceirs the more negligible its mutual impact. == Rational …

Tags: Control Decontextualization Evolution Rules Theory

Categories: Fauceir Theory


(c) Mato Nagel, Weißwasser 2004-2025, Disclaimer