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Pages Tagged with EvoDevo

Epigenetic landscape

**Epigenetic landscape** is a model introduced by [[../ConradHalWaddington|Conrad Hal Waddington]] that tries to explain the development into different directions depending on environmental or epigenetic factors. The model is a 3D …

Tags: Control EvoDevo Evolution Genetics

Categories: Biology Mathematics

Fauceir heritage

Synonyms: Heritage

The concept of fauceir heritage is different from [[../FauceirInheritance|inheritance]]. <
> Fauceir heritage is a fauceir whose slave fauceirs memorize the developmental trajectory of a master fauceir. <
> == Remarks …

Tags: Core theory EvoDevo Theory

Categories: History Systems Theory

Phenotypic Plasticity

By phenotypic plasticity we understand the range of variation a phenotype can asume at a given genotype. Phenotypic plasticity embraces phenotypic changes that are influenced by environmental factors not by …

Tags: EvoDevo Evolution



Synonyms: Transposable Elements; Mobile DNA; Selfish DNA; Junk DNA; Jumping Genes

== Definition == **Transposons** are DNA fragments that are capable of moving from one place to an other of a cells genome. == Frequency == The frequency of transposable elements …

Tags: Cell DNA EvoDevo Evolution Genetics



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