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Pages Tagged with Personage

Alfred Russel Wallace

Synonyms: Wallace, Alfred Russel

<> **[[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alfred_Russel_Wallace|Alfred Russel Wallace]]** (08/01/1823-07/11/1913) was Darwin's contemporary who independently proposed the theory of evolution by natural selection. Most of his work is downloadable from [[http://www.gutenberg.org|Gutenberg Project]]. Also the …

Tags: Personage Theory

Categories: Evolutionary Biology

Conrad Hal Waddington

Synonyms: Waddington, Conrad Hal

[[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conrad_Hal_Waddington|Conrad Hal Waddington]] (08/11/1905-26/09/1975) was a system biologist who introduces the concepts of [[../GeneticAssimilation|genetic assimilation]] and [[../EpigeneticLandscape|epigenetic landscape]]. {{/static/images/user/ConradHalWaddington.jpg|Conrad Hal Waddington}} I personally like the idea that he worked in …

Tags: Personage


Ernst Haeckel

**[[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ernst_Haeckel|Ernst Haeckel]]** (1834-1919) was a German evolutionary biologist <> His famous [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Tree_of_life_by_Haeckel_cleanup_2.png|trees of life]] depicts men at the pinnacle, which mirrors human antropocentrism of all times.

Tags: Personage


Friedrich August von Hayek

**Friedrich August von Hayek** (1899-1992) is an Austrian economist. <> His contribution to fauceir theory is twofold. # He wholeheartedly supported liberalism and by developing arguments he discovered that …

Tags: Liberty Personage Sociology


Gregor Mendel

Synonyms: Mendel, Gregor

**[[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gregor_Mendel|Gregor Mendel]]** (1822-1884) was a Moravian monk who studied heredity and discovered his famous laws of inheritance. <> It is said that by his laws he also discovered genes. …

Tags: Personage


Herbert Spencer

<> **[[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Herbert_Spencer|Herbert Spencer]]** (27/04/1820-08/12/1903) developed a theory of social evolution. His theory includes a definition of [[http://fauceir.local/main/page/SocialProgress|progress]], and embraces the whole natural world beginning with the origination of planets …

Tags: Personage Theory

Categories: Philosophy Sociology

Hermann Joseph Muller

Synonyms: Muller, Hermann Joseph

[[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hermann_Joseph_Muller|Hermann Joseph Muller]] (1890–1967) was an American geneticist. Into evolutionary theory he introduced the Muller's ratchet. <> This concept includes that an evolutionary achievement becomes fixed. As a ratchet …

Tags: Personage


Ivan Emanuel Wallin

Synonyms: Wallin, Ivan Emanuel

**Ivan Emanuel Wallin** (1883 - 1969) was an American biologist of Swedish ancestry. His major contribution to evolutionary theory was his theory that mitochondria are bacteria. Although not in the …

Tags: Personage


Konstantin Mereschkowski

Synonyms: Mereschkowski, Konstantin

**[[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Konstantin_Mereschkowski|Konstantin Mereschkowski]]** (1855-1921) may be considered the father of endosymbiogenesis. His idea that chlorobasts originated from Cyanobacteria proved true. <>

Tags: Personage


Lynn Margulis

Synonyms: Margulis, Lynn

**[[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lynn_Margulis|Lynn Margulis]]** (1938-2011) was an American biologist who developed and published in several book endosymbiogenesis theory. <>

Tags: Personage


Mary Jane West-Eberhard

Synonyms: West-Eberhard, Mary Jane

**Mary Jane West-Eberhard** is a theoretical biologist. She is author of the book //"Developmental plasticity and evolution"// in which she tackles the problem developmental adaptation to environmental conditions [1]. The …

Tags: Evolution Personage


Sewall Wright

Synonyms: Wright, Sewall

**Sewall Wright** (1889-1988) was an American geneticist who introduced the [[../GeneticDrift|Sewall Wright effect]] and hereby founded population genetics. <>

Tags: Personage


Sigmund Freud

**Sigmund Freud** (1856–1939) who defined psychoanalysis can also be considered a [[../Vordenker|vordenker]] of fauceir theory. At least, he discovered two important feature among psychological fauceirs that are crucial to all …

Tags: Personage

Categories: Psychology


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