A filter is a subclass of a model that intentionally and not accidentally, blinds out some aspects of the reality.
Filters are models designed to reduce complexity and to make the reality understandable. Filters may exert a positive effect if diminishing noise for instance, or a negative effect if selecting favorable information only ind adds for instance.
A scientific theory is a specific subset of a scientific model. A theory consist of a framework of causally interrelated rational claims that can be described by secondary models, mathematically for instance.
The theoretical framework always is based on axioms, basic claims, that are not and cannot be proved by the theory. There are many theories around that don't explicitly mention their axioms. They exist, however. In those instances, they are mostly taken for granted.
A model is a representation of the objectively existing reality.
By that token, a model is not the reality itself but only a mirror image. That definition of a model assumes an really existing object whose model is what we perceive and discuss about. A model can become reality itself and then be mirrored again. Such models of a model are called secondary models.
By the way, the mirror metaphor is a model itself. Though not aware of it we use models all the time.
Model in Relation to other Terms
Firstly, models are a specific class of fauceirs that aim to reduce data. As information transfer is an essential property of all fauceirs, and as such an information transfer is always accompanied by data distortion and such a distortion almost always involves data reduction, almost all fauceirs can be called models too. However it is common to use the term model epistemologically and to apply it to such fauceirs that interact with our consciousness.
Secondly, subclasses of models are filters and theories. The specific properties of these subclasses are explained on dedicated pages.
Model and Consciousness
It is through models that our conscious mind perceives really existing objects.
[Error: Wrong macro arguments: "SugarModel" for macro 'img' (maybe wrong macro tag syntax?)]
There are of course several model that may exist of the same reality. The picture for instance shows the model of a sugar cube created in a biochemist's brain.
Secondary Models
Secondary Models are models of existing models. For instance, the plastic models that we touched at school to understand atomic orbitals is a secondary model.
Philosophical Implications
Nihilism, among other things, denies the existence of real objects.
If assumed that all real objects are mere models, nihilistic views are compatible with Fauceir Theory. According to the axiomatic system the Fauceir Theory is based upon, a fixed objective reality makes no sense. As all fauceir own an infinite number of fauceirs and are owned by an also infinite number of fauceirs, and if further assumed that all real objects are fauceirs, we must conclude that there is always an other reality behind each one.
Believing in an objectively existing reality is like believing in God. As a matter of fact, as all our philosophy evolved from some sort of religion, it is not surprising that philosophical views inherited some religious points.
By contrast to nihilism, fauceir theory claims that the universe is recognizable. Fauceir Theory itself is a step forward in recognition of the universe. Also like dialectic materialism Fauceir Theory admits that the process of developing knowledge about the universe will never finish. The process of accumulating knowledge is an evolutionary process itself, so it creates an ever growing complexity of the universe.
As the universe becomes more complex the interpretation by different models becomes confusing. Fauceir Theory like a philosophical tenet provides a framework by which different models can be created that follow a common scheme.
Conclusively, throughout this site models are used quite often to explain the fauceir approach. Those are mostly secondary models. They are simplified, light-type models, intentionally created to teach the theory. It is better to have a light model that can be understood than one that cannot. A model that can be handled is better than one you have to rely on so called experts who provide a filter of the original model. Such filters, more often, are subject to fraud.