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progress is creativity.        

Pages in Category Mathematics

Bayes Theorem in Genetic Counseling

The picture shows a pedigree (as good as the dot software allows) of a family with a recessive x-linked disorder. The mutated X-chromosome is symbolized by the small letter x …

Tags: Genetics Statistics

Categories: Mathematics

Bayes' theorem of probability

**Derivation of the [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bayes%27_theorem|Bayes' theorem]]** can be made by the [[../ProbabilityProductRule|multiplication rule of probability]] and some algebra. <>P(A \cap B) = P(A) \cdot P(B \mid A))<> and <>P(A \cap B) …

Tags: Statistics

Categories: Mathematics

Binomial distribution

Though this article tackles **[[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Binomial_distribution|binomial distribution]]**, a type of [[../DiscreteProbabilityDistribution|discrete probability distribution]], it is rather focused on practical questions how to use [[http://matplotlib.org|matplotlib]] to construct such distributions. [[http://docs.scipy.org/doc/scipy/reference/generated/scipy.stats.binom.html|Numpy]] offers four …

Tags: Statistics

Categories: Mathematics Software

Condorcet's jury theorem

**[[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Condorcet's_jury_theorem|Condorcet's jury theorem]]** states that given two alternative decision of which one is correct. If the average probability of voters to arrive at the correct decision is more than 50% …

Tags: Society Theory

Categories: Mathematics

Discrete probability distribution

By definition a **discrete probability distribution** exists if the following two requirements are met. * It exists a set of random variables <>x_i \: i=\{1,2,2,...\}<> and each of these variables …

Tags: Statistics

Categories: Mathematics

Epigenetic landscape

**Epigenetic landscape** is a model introduced by [[../ConradHalWaddington|Conrad Hal Waddington]] that tries to explain the development into different directions depending on environmental or epigenetic factors. The model is a 3D …

Tags: Control EvoDevo Evolution Genetics

Categories: Biology Mathematics

Fisher's fife-table mistakes

When reading about mathematical models of evolution you will probably inevitably bump into //The Genetical Theory Of Natural Selection//<>1<>. This book praised by many authors as the fundamental work …

Tags: Genetics Society Statistics Theory

Categories: Mathematics

Injective and surjective functions

**Injectiveness** and **Surjectiveness** describe the mapping structure of functions as demonstrated by the following picture. <> digraph { ranksep=.1; size = "7.5,7.5"; rankdir=TB; subgraph cluster0{ color="red" label = "injective and …

Tags: Functional Analysis

Categories: Mathematics

Poisson Distribution

Though this article tackles **[[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poisson_distribution|Poisson distribution]]**, a type of [[../DiscreteProbabilityDistribution|discrete probability distribution]], it is rather focused on practical questions how to use [[http://matplotlib.org|matplotlib]] to construct graphs of that distribution. [[http://docs.scipy.org/doc/scipy/reference/generated/scipy.stats.poisson.html|Numpy]] …

Tags: Software Statistics

Categories: Mathematics Software

Probability density function

**Probability density function** (pdf) of a continuous random variable X is a function that satisfies the following requirements. <>f(x) \ge 0 \;\text{for all}\; x \in \Re <> <>\int_\Re f(x)dx<> If …

Tags: Theory

Categories: Mathematics

Probability mass function

**Probability mass function** (pmf) of a discontinuous random variable X is a function that satisfies the following requirements. <>p_i \ge 0 \;\text{for all}\; i=1,2,3,..., <> <>\sum\limits_{i=1}^\infty p_i = 1<> with …

Tags: Theory

Categories: Mathematics

Product rule of probability

Synonyms: Multiplication rule of probability

**Product rule of probability** applies to the coincidence of two events (A and B)(<>A \land B<>). In set theory symbols this is equivalent to the event C the intersection of …

Tags: Statistics

Categories: Mathematics

Sum rule of probability

Synonyms: Addition rule of probability

**Sum rule of probability** describes the probability of the combination of two events (A **or** B) (<>A \lor B<>). In set theory symbols this is equivalent to the event C …

Tags: Statistics

Categories: Mathematics

Venn Diagrams with Python Matplotlib and Django

Unfortunately there is no proper tool in python to visualize set operations and relations, neither in maplotlib nor in graphviz. The closest solution that I found was a Venn diagram …

Tags: Software

Categories: Mathematics Software

Random walk

This page mainly shows a random walk example implemented in python with numpy and pylab. The theory behind random walk [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Random_walk|can be learned from Wikipedia]]. <Theory

Categories: Mathematics

Space of real numbers

<> graph "" { # null set # n000 ; # n000 [label="0"] ; size="12,12"; resolution=72; bgcolor="#FFFFFF"; # first set n001 ; n001 [label="1"] ; n001 -- n011 ; n011 …

Tags: Theory

Categories: Mathematics

Set Operations

This page demonstrates fundamental set operatons and the corresponding Venn diagramms as reference. The resulting set is shown in red. == Union <>A \cup B<> <> def …


Categories: Mathematics Systems Theory

Slider Widget in Django

A slider widget can be implemented in Django. **Update:** Slider widget is no longer supported as [[../SageSingleCellServerMacro|I implemented sage cells]] for that purpose which offers much more functionality (including sliders). …

Tags: Software

Categories: Mathematics Software


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