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Pages Tagged with Core theory

Adaptation Definition

**Adaptation** is a reversible process. Appearance and/or function are changed in respons to environmental changes. The aim is to improve survival, or (more generally spoken) function. If the process of …

Tags: Core theory Evolution Theory

Categories: Evolutionary Biology

Cheater Rule

Synonyms: Rule of cheaters; Rule of parasitism

> As soon as evolution provides with a surplus production of resources cheaters evolve that feed on these resources. <
> == Rational # Resources a re just fauceirs used …

Tags: Core theory Rules System

Categories: Fauceir Theory

Darwinian control

Synonyms: Selectional control; Evolutionary control

**Darwinian control** is a special case of fauceir control characterized by statistically defined outcome and an also statistical feedback that is carried out by inheritance. Darwinian control takes place mostly …

Tags: Control Core theory Evolution Theory

Categories: Evolutionary Biology Philosophy

Devolution Definition

Synonyms: Backward Evolution

**[[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Devolution_%28biology%29|Devolution]]** describes the oposite of [[../EvolutionDefinition|evolution]] a process that leads to decreased complexity and adaptability. This process is typical of organisms that live in social compounds either with individuals of …

Tags: Core theory Evolution Theory

Categories: Evolutionary Biology

Element Fauceir

Synonyms: Slave Fauceir

**Element fauceirs** are the building blocks of an aggregate fauceir. The set of element fauceirs that belong to an aggregate fauceir define its structure, function, and behavior. The terms master …

Tags: Core theory Evolution Theory

Categories: Evolutionary Biology

Evolution Definition

**Evolution** is an automatic process in nature that improves adaptability and concomitantly leads to increasing complexity. This definition significantly differs from the one presently used in evolutionary biology, which is …

Tags: Core theory Evolution Theory

Categories: Evolutionary Biology Philosophy

Evolution Fauceir

The term [[../EvolutionDefinition|Evolution]] has undergone an evolution itself. From a term that describes speciation, natural selection, and adaptation, evolution diverged into a term dscribing a mere genetic variation overtime to …

Tags: Core theory Theory

Categories: Evolutionary Biology Philosophy Systems Theory

Progress in evolution

Synonyms: Evolutionary progress; Evolution progress

**Evolutionary progress** describes magnitude and direction of evolution. Progress is measurable by level and pace. There is progress in evolution which is obvious to everyone who compares the simplicity of …

Tags: Core theory Evolution Theory

Categories: Biology Evolutionary Biology

Fauceir Definition

**Fauceir** is an acronym of **f**unctional **a**bstract **u**nit **c**ontrolling **e**volutionary **i**nformation **r**ecovery. It was necessary to define this term to describe process and mechanism of evolution. A fauceir encompasses both …

Tags: Control Core theory Information Theory

Categories: Evolutionary Biology

Fauceir Evolution Theory

**Fauceir evolution theory** describes mechanisms of evolution from fauceir perspective. The abstract mechanisms are applicable to all levels of evolution. Biological evolution as studied by Darwinism and it varieties is …

Tags: Core theory Theory

Categories: Philosophy Systems Theory

Fauceir heritage

Synonyms: Heritage

The concept of fauceir heritage is different from [[../FauceirInheritance|inheritance]]. <
> Fauceir heritage is a fauceir whose slave fauceirs memorize the developmental trajectory of a master fauceir. <
> == Remarks …

Tags: Core theory EvoDevo Theory

Categories: History Systems Theory

Fauceir Theory

Fauceir Theory is a materialistic philosophical theory in which all entities are atomized into abstract units, [[../FauceirDefinition|fauceirs]]. This approach is particularly useful when modelling evolution in all spheres of nature, …

Tags: Core theory Theory

Categories: Philosophy

Main claims of Fauceir Theory

The main claims of fauceir theory # Every existing object can be interpreted as a fauceir. # Every fauceir can be interpreted as a container of an infinite number of …

Tags: Core theory Theory

Categories: Philosophy

Size Rule of Evolution

Synonyms: Rule of Growth

> The size rule of evolution states that a fauceir if not restricted otherwise tends to grow in size. <
> == Proof # Every fauceir is exposed to interactions. …

Tags: Core theory Rules Theory

Categories: Fauceir Theory

Inheritance - Heritage

This article tackles the differences between fauceir [[../FauceirInheritance|inheritance]] and [[../FauceirHeritage|heritage]]. For definition of these terms, please see specific articles. In both cases we deal with a fauceir that consists of …

Tags: Control Core theory Theory

Categories: Systems Theory


Synonyms: Rule of Cheaters

Parasitism among fauceirs evolves naturally at all levels of evolution. The term parasitism can not be used disinterestedly and dispassionately. What is considered parasitic from a view point of a …

Tags: Core theory

Categories: Evolutionary Biology

Reply to David Sloan Wilson's Post at Social Evolution Forum

This reply is to [[http://socialevolutionforum.com/2012/10/02/david-sloan-wilson-human-cultures-are-primarily-adaptive-at-the-group-level|David Sloan Wilson's blog entry //'Human Cultures are Primarily Adaptive at the Group Level'//]]. Below I will make remarks to some quotes from the text. The …

Tags: Adaptation Anthropology Core theory Evolution Ideology Society Theory

Categories: Evolutionary Biology Sociology

Rule of diffluence

Note: the rule of diffluence is merged into the [[../DisparityRule|rule of disparity]]. **Rule of diffluence** states that during evolution a diversification takes place. As a result, fauceirs at several stages …

Tags: Core theory Rules Theory

Categories: Evolutionary Biology Sociology

Too-big-to-survive rule

Synonyms: Rule too-big-to-succeed

> The rule states that a fauceir tends to fail if it grows too big. <
> == Proof # With an increase in size the probability of deleterious interactions …

Tags: Core theory Rules Theory

Categories: Biology Evolutionary Biology Sociology

Time Limit Rule

Synonyms: Rule of Limited Space of Existence

> Every fauceir exists for a limited scope of existance. <
> == Rational Proof # Every fauceir consists of an unlimited number of element fauceirs. # Each of these …

Tags: Core theory Rules Theory

Categories: Fauceir Theory Philosophy

Unlimited Creation Rule

> At any given space of time an unlimited number of fauceirs is created and destroyed. <
> == Rational Proof # The universe contains an unlimited number of fauceirs. …

Tags: Core theory Rules Theory

Categories: Philosophy Systems Theory

Why fauceirs not memes?

Meme is an evolutionary unit devised by Richard Dawkins to explain social evolution in a fashion similar to genes<>. [[http://www.smithsonianmag.com/arts-culture/What-Defines-a-Meme.html|When I first learned about memes]], the fauceir concept was …

Tags: Adaptation Anthropology Core theory Genetics Ideology Religion Selection Sociology System Theory

Categories: Philosophy Sociology


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