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Pages in Category Epistemology


**Abstraction** is method and result of a cognitive action that results in a new entity with a reduced number of properties to describe a real existing object. An abstraction itself …

Tags: Information Learning Linguistic Theory

Categories: Epistemology Philosophy

Abstraction Proviso

**Abstraction Proviso** means that theoretical predictions are true only for abstractions and not for specific situations. That stipulation follows from the [[../AbstractionRule|rule of abstraction]].

Tags: Theory

Categories: Epistemology

Abstraction Rule

Synonyms: Rule of Abstraction

== Rule The more a theory is abstract the more general and lasting its predictions but the less precise it is in its particulars. == Rational Proof # An abstraction …

Tags: Rules Theory

Categories: Epistemology Systems Theory

Analogy Rule

> Analogies are applicable among fauceirs if and only if the abstraction allows to neglect specifics. <
> == Rational Proof # As everything an analogy is but a fauceir …

Tags: Rules Theory

Categories: Epistemology Systems Theory


Synonyms: Postulate

Axiomas is the set of basic proposition crucial to a theory. There is no theory without axioms even if not explicitly stated and taken for granted. The rules of a …

Tags: Theory

Categories: Epistemology

Contrasting abstraction and generalization

Synonyms: Abstraction vs. Generalization

Abstraction and generalization are two epistemological fauceirs that interpret an object in a more general framework. While abstraction reduces the number of properties, generalization adds new properties. Abstraction is introduced …

Tags: Linguistic

Categories: Epistemology Psychology

Deductive reasoning

Synonyms: Deduction

**Deductive reasoning** is arriving at a specific statement by logical conclusions from a more general statement. If the logic is not fallacious the conclusion is necessarily always true. The problem …

Tags: Learning System Theory

Categories: Epistemology Philosophy

Demarcation problem

**[[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Problem_of_demarcation|Demarcation problem]]** is an epistemological problem it exists as such since the time when rational thinking began. It is the problem to distinguish between science and pseudoscience, rational and irrational …

Tags: Theory

Categories: Epistemology Philosophy


A filter is a subclass of a model that intentionally and not accidentally, blinds out some aspects of the reality. Filters are [[../Model|models]] designed to reduce complexity and to make …

Tags: Ideology Imprecision Information Learning Theory

Categories: Epistemology Philosophy


**Generalization** is method and result of a cognitive process that creates an epistemological fauceir that succinctly describes all possible states of a set of entities. <> digraph G { rankdir="LR"; …

Tags: Information Learning Linguistic Theory

Categories: Epistemology Philosophy

Inductive reasoning

Synonyms: Induction

**Inductive reasoning** is drawing conclusions from a limited number of examples or experiences. Inductive reasoning is related to * **//generalization//**, the development o rules based on observations, and * **//analogy//**, …

Tags: Ideology

Categories: Epistemology Philosophy


Synonyms: Scientific Model

A model is a representation of the objectively existing reality. By that token, a model is not the reality itself but only a mirror image. That definition of a model …

Tags: Imprecision Learning Theory

Categories: Epistemology Philosophy

Philosophical reductionism and fauceir theory

The [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genus%E2%80%93differentia_definition|genus–differentia definition]] offered by many dictionaries characterizes reductionism as a philosophical position that asserts that complex structures and functions can simply be described by the properties and laws of …

Tags: Control Imprecision Information

Categories: Epistemology Philosophy

Surrogate parameter

Synonyms: Proxy parameter

The term **surrogate parameter** is common in medical literature while **proxy parameter** or simply proxy is often used in social science. Both terms mean virtually the same. An easily measurable …

Tags: Theory

Categories: Epistemology Philosophy


Synonyms: Scientific theory

A scientific theory is a specific subset of a scientific model. A theory consist of a framework of causally interrelated rational claims that can be described by [[../Model|secondary models]], mathematically …

Tags: Imprecision Information Learning Theory

Categories: Epistemology Philosophy

Uncertainty Proviso

**Uncertainty Proviso** is a restriction that has to be made to every theory or rule. Every prediction whether in physics, chemistry biology, psychiatry, or sociology involves a certain degree of …

Tags: Theory

Categories: Epistemology

Visibility Rule

Synonyms: Rule of visibility

**Visibility Rule** states that other fauceirs are visible to a certain fauceir if and only if both can interact. And interaction usually requires common sub-fauceirs. Visibility can be described qualitatively …

Tags: Rules Theory

Categories: Epistemology Fauceir Theory


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