> The rule of disparity states that with the progress of evolution some fauceirs remain at a lower stage of evolution. They not only remain at that stage even …
**Epistemology** is a branch of philosophy that studies how knowledge is accumulated. The accumulation of knowledge is explained as a fauceir evolution process, what a surprise :-). Fist we consider …
**Evolution** is an automatic process in nature that improves adaptability and concomitantly leads to increasing complexity. This definition significantly differs from the one presently used in evolutionary biology, which is …
The term [[../EvolutionDefinition|Evolution]] has undergone an evolution itself. From a term that describes speciation, natural selection, and adaptation, evolution diverged into a term dscribing a mere genetic variation overtime to …
**Fauceir evolution theory** describes mechanisms of evolution from fauceir perspective. The abstract mechanisms are applicable to all levels of evolution. Biological evolution as studied by Darwinism and it varieties is …
The concept of **fauceir inheritance** is different from [[../FauceirHeritage|heritage]]. <
> Inheritance is a fauceir whose slave fauceirs push the development of a fauceir in a defined direction. The direction …
Tags: Theory
Categories: Evolutionary Biology Philosophy Sociology
There is a philosophical tenet around that not only strictly denies teleology but even denies all kinds of meaning in nature an thinking. That's [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nihilism|nihilism]]. Some authors claim Darwin's theory …
Tags: Theory
Categories: Philosophy
Fauceir Theory is a materialistic philosophical theory in which all entities are atomized into abstract units, [[../FauceirDefinition|fauceirs]]. This approach is particularly useful when modelling evolution in all spheres of nature, …
Tags: Core theory Theory
Categories: Philosophy
The main claims of fauceir theory # Every existing object can be interpreted as a fauceir. # Every fauceir can be interpreted as a container of an infinite number of …
Tags: Core theory Theory
Categories: Philosophy
A filter is a subclass of a model that intentionally and not accidentally, blinds out some aspects of the reality. Filters are [[../Model|models]] designed to reduce complexity and to make …
Tags: Ideology Imprecision Information Learning Theory
Categories: Epistemology Philosophy
**Generalization** is method and result of a cognitive process that creates an epistemological fauceir that succinctly describes all possible states of a set of entities. <> digraph G { rankdir="LR"; …
Tags: Information Learning Linguistic Theory
Categories: Epistemology Philosophy
> **[[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Herbert_Spencer|Herbert Spencer]]** (27/04/1820-08/12/1903) developed a theory of social evolution. His theory includes a definition of [[http://fauceir.local/main/page/SocialProgress|progress]], and embraces the whole natural world beginning with the origination of planets …
Tags: Personage Theory
Categories: Philosophy Sociology
Marx' discovery that //being determines consciousness// holds true for evolutionary theory too. His famous quote is found here ([[http://www.mlwerke.de/me/me13/me13_007.htm|Karl Marx/Friedrich Engels - Werke, (Karl) Dietz Verlag, Berlin. Band 13, 7. …
Tags: Evolution Theory
Categories: Philosophy
Our thinking is limited by ideology. Ideology is made to subconsciously influence ideas. That, of course, holds true for whole frameworks of ideas, theories. Evolutionary theory makes no exception. Since …
Tags: Evolution Ideology System Theory
Categories: Philosophy Psychology Sociology
Synonyms: Induction>
**Inductive reasoning** is drawing conclusions from a limited number of examples or experiences. Inductive reasoning is related to * **//generalization//**, the development o rules based on observations, and * **//analogy//**, …
Tags: Ideology
Categories: Epistemology Philosophy
Synonyms: Rule of Progressive Blinding; Rule of Progressive Inertness>
> The process of evolutionary progress is characterized by an increased level of insulation. <
> == Rational Proof # Each fauceir consists of an infinite number of element fauceirs. …
Tags: Evolution Rules Theory
Categories: Philosophy Systems Theory
Synonyms: Levtent, levtently>
**Levtent** is an adjective that describes a fauceir that is reluctant to evolve and rather evades all control mechanisms that would force it to improve adaption. Levtent fauceirs are rather …
Tags: Behavior Cognitive function Evolution Linguistic
Categories: Philosophy
**[[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thomas_Robert_Malthus|Thomas Robert Malthus]]** in his //Essay on the Principle of Population// stated that populations growth will lead to famine and populations will decline<[>. Some scientists even predict a next …
Tags: Anthropology Paradox Society Sociology Theory
Categories: Philosophy Sociology
**Memes** constitute special class of social fauceirs that evolved predominantly to control either human individuals or [[../Society|groups]] of individuals. Though communication in social compounds is a prerequisite of the evolution …
Tags: Meme Theory
Categories: Philosophy Sociology Systems Theory
Synonyms: Scientific Model>
A model is a representation of the objectively existing reality. By that token, a model is not the reality itself but only a mirror image. That definition of a model …
Tags: Imprecision Learning Theory
Categories: Epistemology Philosophy
A **myth** is an ideological construct that falsely mirrors real conditions, but is fervently defended by all that profits from it. == Action == Most often a myth acts subconsciously …
Tags: Anthropology Behavior Ideology Myth
Categories: Philosophy
> Niche Construction is an evolutionary process by which for a limited space and time an insulated evolutionary process exists. <
> == Discussion This definition can only be understood …
Tags: Evolution Theory
Categories: Philosophy Systems Theory
The [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genus%E2%80%93differentia_definition|genus–differentia definition]] offered by many dictionaries characterizes reductionism as a philosophical position that asserts that complex structures and functions can simply be described by the properties and laws of …
Tags: Control Imprecision Information
Categories: Epistemology Philosophy
Synonyms: Life cycle society>
As all fauceirs have a limited life span, this is true for [[..Society|societies]] a subset of [[..SocialFauceir|social fauceirs]] too, of course. The life span of societies may vary from a …
Tags: Anthropology Society Sociology Theory
Categories: Philosophy Sociology
Synonyms: Proxy parameter>
The term **surrogate parameter** is common in medical literature while **proxy parameter** or simply proxy is often used in social science. Both terms mean virtually the same. An easily measurable …
Tags: Theory
Categories: Epistemology Philosophy
As Fauceir is the term that covers system and information we may define system by a [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Definition|genus–differentia definition]]: System is a fauceir in which system properties significantly dominate so that …
Tags: Information System Theory
Categories: Philosophy
Synonyms: Scientific theory>
A scientific theory is a specific subset of a scientific model. A theory consist of a framework of causally interrelated rational claims that can be described by [[../Model|secondary models]], mathematically …
Tags: Imprecision Information Learning Theory
Categories: Epistemology Philosophy
Synonyms: Rule of Limited Space of Existence>
> Every fauceir exists for a limited scope of existance. <
> == Rational Proof # Every fauceir consists of an unlimited number of element fauceirs. # Each of these …
Tags: Core theory Rules Theory
Categories: Fauceir Theory Philosophy
**Universe** serves as root of our cladogram of fauceirs. Our universe is the largest container that holds all the fauceirs we know so far. We don't know about fauceirs outside …
Tags: Theory
Categories: Philosophy
> At any given space of time an unlimited number of fauceirs is created and destroyed. <
> == Rational Proof # The universe contains an unlimited number of fauceirs. …
Tags: Core theory Rules Theory
Categories: Philosophy Systems Theory
Violence describes a fauceir control that causes unpleasant feelings in an individual. It is subjective as the same type of control might be felt differently in various environment or by …
Tags: Anthropology Ideology Theory
Categories: Philosophy Sociology
This is actually a comment on comments made [[http://socialevolutionforum.com/2013/01/13/is-war-creative/|on this web page]]. Probably it is a good idea to read this page first although I quoted the most interesting points. …
Tags: Control Information Psychology Society System Theory
Categories: Philosophy Sociology Systems Theory
Meme is an evolutionary unit devised by Richard Dawkins to explain social evolution in a fashion similar to genes<[>. [[http://www.smithsonianmag.com/arts-culture/What-Defines-a-Meme.html|When I first learned about memes]], the fauceir concept was …
Tags: Adaptation Anthropology Core theory Genetics Ideology Religion Selection Sociology System Theory
Categories: Philosophy Sociology