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Pages Tagged with Rules

Abstraction Rule

Synonyms: Rule of Abstraction

== Rule The more a theory is abstract the more general and lasting its predictions but the less precise it is in its particulars. == Rational Proof # An abstraction …

Tags: Rules Theory

Categories: Epistemology Systems Theory

Analogy Rule

> Analogies are applicable among fauceirs if and only if the abstraction allows to neglect specifics. <
> == Rational Proof # As everything an analogy is but a fauceir …

Tags: Rules Theory

Categories: Epistemology Systems Theory

Cheater Rule

Synonyms: Rule of cheaters; Rule of parasitism

> As soon as evolution provides with a surplus production of resources cheaters evolve that feed on these resources. <
> == Rational # Resources a re just fauceirs used …

Tags: Core theory Rules System

Categories: Fauceir Theory

Cope's rule

Synonyms: Cope-Depéret rule

Cope's rule is the [[../GrowthRule|Size Rule]] applied to biological objects. It was first observed in the fossile record <>. Although named after Cope, he never actually stated that rule. …

Tags: Evolution Rules Theory

Categories: Biology

Decontextualization Rule

The **decontextualization rule of evolution** states that while evolution advances regulatory units are driven apart by accumulation of intercalated processes. <> Decontextualization of classical Darwinian evolution puzzles evolutionary biologists …

Tags: Decontextualization Evolution Rules

Categories: Fauceir Theory

Delegation Rule

> Fauceirs always compete with each other by their element fauceirs. <
> == Rational Proof # By definition a fauceir is but a set of element fauceirs. # If …

Tags: Rules Theory


Mutual Dependence Rule

Synonyms: Rule of mutual influence

> Mutual visibility entails mutual dependence. <
> == Rational Proof # Visibility depends on fauceirs mutual interaction. # All interacting sides will be affected by that interaction # Conclusively …

Tags: Rules Theory

Categories: Fauceir Theory Philosophy Physics Psychology

Dignity Rule

The Dignity rule is a rule of [[../SocialEvolution|social evolution]]. It states that the more advanced a human society the more the dignity of its members, us humans, is respected. This …

Tags: Anthropology Ideology Rules Society Sociology

Categories: Sociology

Rule of Disparity

Synonyms: Disparity rule of evolution

> The rule of disparity states that with the progress of evolution some fauceirs remain at a lower stage of evolution. They not only remain at that stage even …

Tags: Rules Theory

Categories: Fauceir Theory Philosophy

Size Rule of Evolution

Synonyms: Rule of Growth

> The size rule of evolution states that a fauceir if not restricted otherwise tends to grow in size. <
> == Proof # Every fauceir is exposed to interactions. …

Tags: Core theory Rules Theory

Categories: Fauceir Theory


Synonyms: Rule of Imprecision

> Every interaction among fauceirs entails unwanted side effects. <
> == Conclusions Imprecision is involved in all control processes. Every information exchange involves unintended side effects, collateral damage. It …

Tags: Imprecision Rules Theory

Categories: Fauceir Theory

Insulation Rule

Synonyms: Rule of Progressive Blinding; Rule of Progressive Inertness

> The process of evolutionary progress is characterized by an increased level of insulation. <
> == Rational Proof # Each fauceir consists of an infinite number of element fauceirs. …

Tags: Evolution Rules Theory

Categories: Philosophy Systems Theory

Visibility/Invisibility Rule

Synonyms: Rule of blindness; Dark matter rule

== Rule **Invisibility Rule** states that two fauceirs are mutually invisible if and only if they do not share fauceirs that can interact. The 'if and only if' indicates that …

Tags: Rules Theory

Categories: Fauceir Theory

Liberty Rule of Evolution

Admittedly, to call this **Liberty Rule** is kind of anthropocentristic, so the name is chosen for rather historical reasons and for didactic purposes. During revolutions the call for freedom was …

Tags: Evolution Liberty Rules


Rule of mass extiction

**[[../MassExtinction|Mass extiction]]** occur on a regular basis in each evolution. As mass extinctions are essential to evolutionary process preventing them hinders evolutionary progress. == Rational == The easiest way for …

Tags: Rules Theory


Peto's Rule

Synonyms: Tumor suppression rule

Peto's Rule is the inversion of [[../PetosParadox|Peto's Paradox]]. It is the [[..SlaveryEnforcementRule|Rule of Enforced Enslavement]] applied specifically to the multi-cellularity fauceir. <
> If an organism evolves a larger body …

Tags: Multicellularity Rules Theory

Categories: Biology

Property Inheritance Rule

Synonyms: Rule of Property Inheritance

The Property Inheritance Rule states that each fauceir which always must be considered as a collection of sub-fauceirs inherits all its properties from its elements. Therefore a fauceirs properties might …

Tags: Rules Theory


Rule of diffluence

Note: the rule of diffluence is merged into the [[../DisparityRule|rule of disparity]]. **Rule of diffluence** states that during evolution a diversification takes place. As a result, fauceirs at several stages …

Tags: Core theory Rules Theory

Categories: Evolutionary Biology Sociology

Rule of Dwindling Importance

The **rule of dwindling mutual importance with increasing evolutionary distance** states that the greater the evolutionary distance between master and slave fauceirs the more negligible its mutual impact. == Rational …

Tags: Control Decontextualization Evolution Rules Theory

Categories: Fauceir Theory

Too-big-to-survive rule

Synonyms: Rule too-big-to-succeed

> The rule states that a fauceir tends to fail if it grows too big. <
> == Proof # With an increase in size the probability of deleterious interactions …

Tags: Core theory Rules Theory

Categories: Biology Evolutionary Biology Sociology

Enslavement Rule

Synonyms: Slavery Enforcement Rule;Rule of an Inherent Tendency to Enforce Enslavement

**Rule of an Inherent Tendency to Enforce Enslavement** is a special case of the [[../PropertyInheritanceRule|Property Inheritance Rule]]. <
> The more a fauceir is evolved the more pronounced its tendency …

Tags: Rules Theory

Categories: Fauceir Theory

Time Limit Rule

Synonyms: Rule of Limited Space of Existence

> Every fauceir exists for a limited scope of existance. <
> == Rational Proof # Every fauceir consists of an unlimited number of element fauceirs. # Each of these …

Tags: Core theory Rules Theory

Categories: Fauceir Theory Philosophy

Unlimited Creation Rule

> At any given space of time an unlimited number of fauceirs is created and destroyed. <
> == Rational Proof # The universe contains an unlimited number of fauceirs. …

Tags: Core theory Rules Theory

Categories: Philosophy Systems Theory

Visibility Rule

Synonyms: Rule of visibility

**Visibility Rule** states that other fauceirs are visible to a certain fauceir if and only if both can interact. And interaction usually requires common sub-fauceirs. Visibility can be described qualitatively …

Tags: Rules Theory

Categories: Epistemology Fauceir Theory


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