The beaver habitat is a typical example of an [[../NicheConstruction|niche construction]]. It consists of Dams, usually created by cut trees, a pond and lodges. <
> <
> …
Last summer I observed a bustling ant colony with an impressive anthill. This year at this place I found a hole filled with soft debris. The colony was gone, and …
Cope's rule is the [[../GrowthRule|Size Rule]] applied to biological objects. It was first observed in the fossile record <[>. Although named after Cope, he never actually stated that rule. …
An Ecological refugium is what is in colloquial German often understood by ecological niche. <
> Is an ecologically characterized location where a once abundant species can survive and thrive. …
Tags: Ecology Theory
Categories: Biology Ecology
**Ecotype** is a specific phenotype of a species that occurs in in a certain environment, ecosystem, only. Usually other species that live in the same ecosystem define the ecotype. As …
Tags: Ecology System
Categories: Biology
**Epigenetic landscape** is a model introduced by [[../ConradHalWaddington|Conrad Hal Waddington]] that tries to explain the development into different directions depending on environmental or epigenetic factors. The model is a 3D …
Tags: Control EvoDevo Evolution Genetics
Categories: Biology Mathematics
Synonyms: Evolutionary progress; Evolution progress>
**Evolutionary progress** describes magnitude and direction of evolution. Progress is measurable by level and pace. There is progress in evolution which is obvious to everyone who compares the simplicity of …
Tags: Core theory Evolution Theory
Categories: Biology Evolutionary Biology
**Genomic Disorder** is a term coined by Lupski and Stankiewicz to contrast mere nucleotide substitutions and small size deletions insertions and duplications with large genomic rearrangements that affect a greater …
Tags: Adaptation DNA
Categories: Biology Evolutionary Biology
Wikipedia explains the [[|term too-big-to-fail]] economically only. By that definition the term describes a set of enterprises whose failure may be disastrous to the whole economy, so the state is …
Tags: Myth Sociology Theory
Categories: Biology Psychology
**Niche construction** is neatly outlined in a book <[>. In its preface the authors claim: <]> As our investigation proceeded, it appeared the ramifications of niche construction grew to …
Tags: Evolution Ideology Theory
Categories: Biology Sociology Systems Theory
**[[|Patriline]]** is male inheritance. From generation to generation the trait is linked to males only. See also [[../Matriline|matriline]] = Examples = * The Y-chromosome in male mammals in inherited in …
Tags: Behavior Genetics Selection Speciation
Categories: Biology
Peto observed that the risk of cancer increases with the time of exposure to a cancerogene and the number of cells exposed <
[>. <]> Although one would expect …
Tags: Cell Multicellularity Paradox System
Categories: Biology
Synonyms: Tumor suppression rule>
Peto's Rule is the inversion of [[../PetosParadox|Peto's Paradox]]. It is the [[..SlaveryEnforcementRule|Rule of Enforced Enslavement]] applied specifically to the multi-cellularity fauceir. <
> If an organism evolves a larger body …
Tags: Multicellularity Rules Theory
Categories: Biology
Synonyms: Rule too-big-to-succeed>
> The rule states that a fauceir tends to fail if it grows too big. <
> == Proof # With an increase in size the probability of deleterious interactions …
Tags: Core theory Rules Theory
Categories: Biology Evolutionary Biology Sociology
**Speciation** is the generation of a new species by evolution. It is generally assumed that speciation is the result of isolation as observed by Darwin and Wallace on separate islands, …
Tags: Biogeology Ecology Speciation Theory
Categories: Biology Evolutionary Biology
**Spinster phenomenon** is a behavior pattern among females that live in social compounds. When males are absent females take over the social roles of males. == Rational == Such a …
Tags: Anthropology Behavior Phenomena Society Sociology
Categories: Biology Sociology
Teased by Lynn Margulis' book //Symbiotic Planet//<[>, I visited [[|Roscoff]] this summer to see the the flatworm //Symsagittifera roscoffensis//, formerly //Convoluta roscoffensis// and take some photos and videos. …
Tags: Evolution
Categories: Biology
**Waterlillies** are aquatic plants of the genus Nymphaea that exhibit impressive flowers. Not only because of its beautiful blossom I took this photo but it also graphically demonstrates its changing …
Tags: Behavior Plant
Categories: Biology