An Ecological refugium is what is in colloquial German often understood by ecological niche. <
> Is an ecologically characterized location where a once abundant species can survive and thrive. …
**Element fauceirs** are the building blocks of an aggregate fauceir. The set of element fauceirs that belong to an aggregate fauceir define its structure, function, and behavior. The terms master …
**Endosymbiogenesis** describes evolution as an accumulation of symbiotic mergers. The theory was initiated by [[../KonstantinMereschkowski|Mereschkowski]] who correctly assumed that chloroblasts derive from Cyanobacteria and added by [[../IvanEmanuelWallin|Wallin]] who came up …
**Evolutionary Distance** is the difference in evolutionary levels. Evolutionary levels can only be measured if evolutionary progress is assumed, so the determination of evolutionary distance requires measurement of evolutionary progress. …
**Evolution** is an automatic process in nature that improves adaptability and concomitantly leads to increasing complexity. This definition significantly differs from the one presently used in evolutionary biology, which is …
Demographic control is a fauceir that evolved with the advent of societies. It is a byproduct of social evolution. One of many social fauciers that are essential for society's persistence. …
The term [[../EvolutionDefinition|Evolution]] has undergone an evolution itself. From a term that describes speciation, natural selection, and adaptation, evolution diverged into a term dscribing a mere genetic variation overtime to …
The evolution of societies life cycles is tightly connected with human history. In fact human history is the collection of various accounts of human societies rise and fall. As a …
**Evolutionary progress** describes magnitude and direction of evolution. Progress is measurable by level and pace. There is progress in evolution which is obvious to everyone who compares the simplicity of …
There are many ways of course to handle religion, as a believer or as a scientist, for instance. There are many ways to study religion, sill. Yo may count the …
**Evolvability** describes the ability to evolve. There is lot of confusion about the definition which are rooted in two main unanswered questions. # Which unit is considered to evolve? # …
When trying to apply fauceir rules to explain some observations and to project further developments, the following steps can be applied. # **Determine the limits of a fauceir.** That is …
A fauceir's death is the end point of its life cycle. When death occurs not all the sub-fauceirs die too. On the contrary some of them may even flourish. Instead, …
**Fauceir** is an acronym of **f**unctional **a**bstract **u**nit **c**ontrolling **e**volutionary **i**nformation **r**ecovery. It was necessary to define this term to describe process and mechanism of evolution. A fauceir encompasses both …
A fauceir's environment is the sum of all neighboring fauceirs capable to exchange information or exert some type of control. This includes master as well as slave fauceirs. The function …
This article is about the essential properties of a fauceir. Essential are thos properties that define the whole class. In this case, the essential properties of fauceirs are faund in …
**Fauceir evolution theory** describes mechanisms of evolution from fauceir perspective. The abstract mechanisms are applicable to all levels of evolution. Biological evolution as studied by Darwinism and it varieties is …
The concept of **fauceir inheritance** is different from [[../FauceirHeritage|heritage]]. <
> Inheritance is a fauceir whose slave fauceirs push the development of a fauceir in a defined direction. The direction …
Tags: Theory
Categories: Evolutionary Biology Philosophy Sociology
According to the [[../TimeLimitRule|rule]], fauceirs have a limited life span. The life cycle of a fauceir consists of the following stages: # creation # progression # adaptation # rudimentation # …
Tags: Theory
**Fauceir memory**, by contrast to //[[../HumanMemory|Human memory]]// is a general concept and describes the accumulation of stored information in all fauceirs. == Examples == === Atom Structure === Electrons always …
Tags: Information Theory
There is a philosophical tenet around that not only strictly denies teleology but even denies all kinds of meaning in nature an thinking. That's [[|nihilism]]. Some authors claim Darwin's theory …
Tags: Theory
Categories: Philosophy
The dualism embraced by fauceir theory between a control and information is mirrored in quantum physics by the dualism of matter and force. Einstein's famous formula <>E = m \, …
Tags: Theory
Categories: Physics
Every [[../FauceirDefinition|fauceir]] follows a set of logical rules. Rules can be distinguished in empirical rules and logical rules. In an ideal case rules are logical and empirically supported. Empirical rules …
Tags: Theory
Categories: Fauceir Theory
Fauceir Theory is a materialistic philosophical theory in which all entities are atomized into abstract units, [[../FauceirDefinition|fauceirs]]. This approach is particularly useful when modelling evolution in all spheres of nature, …
Tags: Core theory Theory
Categories: Philosophy
The main claims of fauceir theory # Every existing object can be interpreted as a fauceir. # Every fauceir can be interpreted as a container of an infinite number of …
Tags: Core theory Theory
Categories: Philosophy
A filter is a subclass of a model that intentionally and not accidentally, blinds out some aspects of the reality. Filters are [[../Model|models]] designed to reduce complexity and to make …
Tags: Ideology Imprecision Information Learning Theory
Categories: Epistemology Philosophy
By Fisherian Runaway genetically oriented evolutionary biologists understand the effect that sexual selection favors the evolution of traits that are disadvantageous for survival. Male ornamentation like the peacock plumage are …
Tags: Adaptation Theory
When reading about mathematical models of evolution you will probably inevitably bump into //The Genetical Theory Of Natural Selection//<[>1<]>. This book praised by many authors as the fundamental work …
Tags: Genetics Society Statistics Theory
Categories: Mathematics
The section **general fauceir properties** only describes properties that are common to all fauceirs. As fauceirs are such a abstract entity those general properties cannot but being abstract too. * …
Tags: Theory
**Generalization** is method and result of a cognitive process that creates an epistemological fauceir that succinctly describes all possible states of a set of entities. <> digraph G { rankdir="LR"; …
Tags: Information Learning Linguistic Theory
Categories: Epistemology Philosophy
Synonyms: Accomodation, Genetic >
**Genetic accommodation** is a concept of evolution introduced by Mary Jane West-Eberhard[1,2]. According to Braendle and Flatt[3], genetic accommodation is a generalization of the concept of [[../GeneticAssimilation|genetic assimilation]]. Although I …
Tags: Evolution Genetics Theory
Synonyms: Assimilation, Genetic >
**Genetic Assimilation** is an evolutionary concept developed by [[../ConradHalWaddington|Conrad Hal Waddington]]. It is explains with Darwinian principles how acquired characters become inheritable. Probably because of his leftist political views his …
Tags: Evolution Genetics Theory
Synonyms: Rule of Growth>
> The size rule of evolution states that a fauceir if not restricted otherwise tends to grow in size. <
> == Proof # Every fauceir is exposed to interactions. …
Tags: Core theory Rules Theory
Categories: Fauceir Theory
How [[../FriedrichAugustvonHayek|F.A.v. Hayek]] described social evolution is shown in this video. <> Hayek can be considered kind of a [[../Vordenker|Vordenker]] of fauceir theory. His view that social rules, …
Tags: Anthropology Control Evolution Sociology Theory
Categories: Sociology
> **[[|Herbert Spencer]]** (27/04/1820-08/12/1903) developed a theory of social evolution. His theory includes a definition of [[http://fauceir.local/main/page/SocialProgress|progress]], and embraces the whole natural world beginning with the origination of planets …
Tags: Personage Theory
Categories: Philosophy Sociology
Synonyms: Human Intelligence>
**Intelligence** is the readiness of a human's brain to create cognitive fauceirs. This is compatible with the essence of intelligence tests that mainly test the capability to swiftly find solutions …
Tags: Cognitive function Psychology Theory
Categories: Psychology
Synonyms: Rule of Imprecision>
> Every interaction among fauceirs entails unwanted side effects. <
> == Conclusions Imprecision is involved in all control processes. Every information exchange involves unintended side effects, collateral damage. It …
Tags: Imprecision Rules Theory
Categories: Fauceir Theory
Synonyms: Behavioral Imprinting>
In behavioral science, imprinting is an adopted bahavioral pattern that ususlly lasts for a lifetime. From a historical perspective behavioral imprinting is an itermediate fauceir between genetic inheritance and the …
Tags: Behavior Theory
Marx' discovery that //being determines consciousness// holds true for evolutionary theory too. His famous quote is found here ([[|Karl Marx/Friedrich Engels - Werke, (Karl) Dietz Verlag, Berlin. Band 13, 7. …
Tags: Evolution Theory
Categories: Philosophy
Our thinking is limited by ideology. Ideology is made to subconsciously influence ideas. That, of course, holds true for whole frameworks of ideas, theories. Evolutionary theory makes no exception. Since …
Tags: Evolution Ideology System Theory
Categories: Philosophy Psychology Sociology
As on this page the fauceir model of inequality is described, inequality is a treated as a fauceir that evolved 10,000-60,000 years ago. Inequality evolved because societies that exhibited inequality …
Tags: Anthropology Behavior Economy Evolution Society System Theory
Categories: Economics Sociology
The term **information** as it is used in Fauceir Theory fundamentally differs from information theory. Fauceir Theory considers the material realization of information. Information theory intentionally abstracts from the material …
Tags: Information Theory
This article tackles the differences between fauceir [[../FauceirInheritance|inheritance]] and [[../FauceirHeritage|heritage]]. For definition of these terms, please see specific articles. In both cases we deal with a fauceir that consists of …
Tags: Control Core theory Theory
Categories: Systems Theory
Synonyms: Rule of Progressive Blinding; Rule of Progressive Inertness>
> The process of evolutionary progress is characterized by an increased level of insulation. <
> == Rational Proof # Each fauceir consists of an infinite number of element fauceirs. …
Tags: Evolution Rules Theory
Categories: Philosophy Systems Theory
When we talk about intelligence on this page, intelligence is not understood as the sum of acquired knowledge, it is even not the intelligence quotient IQ. Intelligence is defined as …
Tags: Learning Theory
Categories: Psychology
Synonyms: Rule of blindness; Dark matter rule>
== Rule **Invisibility Rule** states that two fauceirs are mutually invisible if and only if they do not share fauceirs that can interact. The 'if and only if' indicates that …
Tags: Rules Theory
Categories: Fauceir Theory
Synonyms: Types of Fauceir Change>
Three levels of change in fauceirs can be distinguished. # Mutation. # Adaptation. # Evolution. In any given fauceir the possibilities of mutations are abundant. Many of these are deleterious. …
Tags: Evolution Theory
**[[|Thomas Robert Malthus]]** in his //Essay on the Principle of Population// stated that populations growth will lead to famine and populations will decline<[>. Some scientists even predict a next …
Tags: Anthropology Paradox Society Sociology Theory
Categories: Philosophy Sociology
**Mass extiction** is significant decline of a certain group of fauceirs over a relatively short period of time. Mass extinction has to be distinguished from normal death rates in connection …
Tags: Evolution Theory
**[[../MassExtinction|Mass extiction]]** occur on a regular basis in each evolution. As mass extinctions are essential to evolutionary process preventing them hinders evolutionary progress. == Rational == The easiest way for …
Tags: Rules Theory
**Memes** constitute special class of social fauceirs that evolved predominantly to control either human individuals or [[../Society|groups]] of individuals. Though communication in social compounds is a prerequisite of the evolution …
Tags: Meme Theory
Categories: Philosophy Sociology Systems Theory
Memory is stored [[../Information|information]], and as information is a fauceir, memory is a specific set of fauceirs that works a a template that allows to recall the same or quite …
Tags: Information Theory
In science when we often encounter processes of thought in which micro and macro relationships are distinguished and analyzed separately. Micro- and macroevolution as well as micro- and macroeconomics may …
Tags: Economy Evolution Theory
Synonyms: Scientific Model>
A model is a representation of the objectively existing reality. By that token, a model is not the reality itself but only a mirror image. That definition of a model …
Tags: Imprecision Learning Theory
Categories: Epistemology Philosophy
In genetics, ** mutability** describes the tendency to undergo genetic mutations. Even in biology the term can be applied to different units of organization, with a single nucleotide being the …
Tags: Genetics Liberty Theory
Wikipedia explains the [[|term too-big-to-fail]] economically only. By that definition the term describes a set of enterprises whose failure may be disastrous to the whole economy, so the state is …
Tags: Myth Sociology Theory
Categories: Biology Psychology
Synonyms: Neutral Changes>
**Neutral evolution** is a concept of evolution that considers changes to the genomic DNA as result of stochastical processes by contrast to adaptation, the usual concept. == History == The …
Tags: Evolution Genetics Theory
> Niche Construction is an evolutionary process by which for a limited space and time an insulated evolutionary process exists. <
> == Discussion This definition can only be understood …
Tags: Evolution Theory
Categories: Philosophy Systems Theory
**Niche construction** is neatly outlined in a book <[>. In its preface the authors claim: <]> As our investigation proceeded, it appeared the ramifications of niche construction grew to …
Tags: Evolution Ideology Theory
Categories: Biology Sociology Systems Theory
Synonyms: Tumor suppression rule>
Peto's Rule is the inversion of [[../PetosParadox|Peto's Paradox]]. It is the [[..SlaveryEnforcementRule|Rule of Enforced Enslavement]] applied specifically to the multi-cellularity fauceir. <
> If an organism evolves a larger body …
Tags: Multicellularity Rules Theory
Categories: Biology
**Probability density function** (pdf) of a continuous random variable X is a function that satisfies the following requirements. <>f(x) \ge 0 \;\text{for all}\; x \in \Re <> <>\int_\Re f(x)dx<> If …
Tags: Theory
Categories: Mathematics
**Probability mass function** (pmf) of a discontinuous random variable X is a function that satisfies the following requirements. <>p_i \ge 0 \;\text{for all}\; i=1,2,3,..., <> <>\sum\limits_{i=1}^\infty p_i = 1<> with …
Tags: Theory
Categories: Mathematics
Synonyms: Rule of Property Inheritance>
The Property Inheritance Rule states that each fauceir which always must be considered as a collection of sub-fauceirs inherits all its properties from its elements. Therefore a fauceirs properties might …
Tags: Rules Theory
This page mainly shows a random walk example implemented in python with numpy and pylab. The theory behind random walk [[|can be learned from Wikipedia]]. <
Categories: Mathematics
<> graph "" { # null set # n000 ; # n000 [label="0"] ; size="12,12"; resolution=72; bgcolor="#FFFFFF"; # first set n001 ; n001 [label="1"] ; n001 -- n011 ; n011 …
Tags: Theory
Categories: Mathematics
This reply is to [[|David Sloan Wilson's blog entry //'Human Cultures are Primarily Adaptive at the Group Level'//]]. Below I will make remarks to some quotes from the text. The …
Tags: Adaptation Anthropology Core theory Evolution Ideology Society Theory
Categories: Evolutionary Biology Sociology
Synonyms: Cycle of Reproduction>
The **reproduction cycle** is the major fauceir considered in economics. (Reproduction in economics is not so different from reproduction among biological fauceirs.) The theory of reproduction was as far as …
Tags: Economy Theory
Categories: Economics
Synonyms: Isolation, reproductive >
**Reproductive isolation** is a term from classical evolutionary theory that describes groups of organisms within a population that show group specific mating preferences, so so individuals more likely find a …
Tags: Evolution Theory
We call **revolution** a fundamental evolutionary novelty in any kind of social evolution processes.
Tags: Evolution Sociology Theory
**Ring species** is a term introduced by Arthur Cain when elaborating on speciation <[>. Ring species consist of overlapping populations with only subtle differences. The traits change continuously, so …
Tags: Speciation Theory
Categories: Evolutionary Biology
Note: the rule of diffluence is merged into the [[../DisparityRule|rule of disparity]]. **Rule of diffluence** states that during evolution a diversification takes place. As a result, fauceirs at several stages …
Tags: Core theory Rules Theory
Categories: Evolutionary Biology Sociology
The **rule of dwindling mutual importance with increasing evolutionary distance** states that the greater the evolutionary distance between master and slave fauceirs the more negligible its mutual impact. == Rational …
Tags: Control Decontextualization Evolution Rules Theory
Categories: Fauceir Theory
Synonyms: Rule too-big-to-succeed>
> The rule states that a fauceir tends to fail if it grows too big. <
> == Proof # With an increase in size the probability of deleterious interactions …
Tags: Core theory Rules Theory
Categories: Biology Evolutionary Biology Sociology
According to classical systems theory a signal is function of time that carries information<[>1<]>. In fauceir terms this needs to be re-defined as not only information gets a broader …
Tags: Information System Theory
Categories: Systems Theory
Simplistic theories of evolution Simplistic models of evolution are around for quite a few centuries. The allow to explain evolution the natural way and therefore they constitute a great leap …
Tags: Theory
Categories: History
Synonyms: Slavery Enforcement Rule;Rule of an Inherent Tendency to Enforce Enslavement>
**Rule of an Inherent Tendency to Enforce Enslavement** is a special case of the [[../PropertyInheritanceRule|Property Inheritance Rule]]. <
> The more a fauceir is evolved the more pronounced its tendency …
Tags: Rules Theory
Categories: Fauceir Theory
Synonyms: Social Evolution; Social Darwinism>
== Definition == Social evolution is the [[../EvolutionDefinition|evolution]] of social fauceirs. Social evolution is not different from history. In fact social evolution includes history. History is studying social evolution in …
Tags: Evolution Society Theory
Categories: Psychology Sociology
Let's suppose social evolutionists don't accept the narrow definition of evolution applied by some evolutionary biologists who consider mere genetic change, such as diversification, as evolution. Let's assume social evolution …
Tags: Anthropology Economy Religion Society Theory
Categories: Sociology
Synonyms: Revolution, social>
**Social Revolution** is the subset of revolutions that affect human societies, mostly larger groups of people such as nations.
Tags: Sociology Theory
Synonyms: Life cycle society>
As all fauceirs have a limited life span, this is true for [[..Society|societies]] a subset of [[..SocialFauceir|social fauceirs]] too, of course. The life span of societies may vary from a …
Tags: Anthropology Society Sociology Theory
Categories: Philosophy Sociology
**Speciation** is the generation of a new species by evolution. It is generally assumed that speciation is the result of isolation as observed by Darwin and Wallace on separate islands, …
Tags: Biogeology Ecology Speciation Theory
Categories: Biology Evolutionary Biology
As a [[../PropertyInheritanceRule|rule]] the properties that belong to a specific fauceir are determined by the fauceir content. That is the properties of element fauceirs, the degree of modification that they …
Tags: Theory
Synonyms: Proxy parameter>
The term **surrogate parameter** is common in medical literature while **proxy parameter** or simply proxy is often used in social science. Both terms mean virtually the same. An easily measurable …
Tags: Theory
Categories: Epistemology Philosophy
Though evolutionary progress is difficult to discern, [[../SurrogateParameter|surrogate parameters]] exist. Surrogate parameters involve imprecision. Though imprecise, those paramaters are chosen because they are easier to measure. They yield reliable results …
Tags: Theory
As Fauceir is the term that covers system and information we may define system by a [[|genus–differentia definition]]: System is a fauceir in which system properties significantly dominate so that …
Tags: Information System Theory
Categories: Philosophy
Synonyms: Scientific theory>
A scientific theory is a specific subset of a scientific model. A theory consist of a framework of causally interrelated rational claims that can be described by [[../Model|secondary models]], mathematically …
Tags: Imprecision Information Learning Theory
Categories: Epistemology Philosophy
Synonyms: Rule of Limited Space of Existence>
> Every fauceir exists for a limited scope of existance. <
> == Rational Proof # Every fauceir consists of an unlimited number of element fauceirs. # Each of these …
Tags: Core theory Rules Theory
Categories: Fauceir Theory Philosophy
In the evolutionary literature the term "umbrella theory" can be found. There is no clear definition of that term. When googling the term different meanings not associated with evolutionary theory …
Tags: Theory
Categories: Evolutionary Biology Systems Theory
**Uncertainty Proviso** is a restriction that has to be made to every theory or rule. Every prediction whether in physics, chemistry biology, psychiatry, or sociology involves a certain degree of …
Tags: Theory
Categories: Epistemology
**Universe** serves as root of our cladogram of fauceirs. Our universe is the largest container that holds all the fauceirs we know so far. We don't know about fauceirs outside …
Tags: Theory
Categories: Philosophy
> At any given space of time an unlimited number of fauceirs is created and destroyed. <
> == Rational Proof # The universe contains an unlimited number of fauceirs. …
Tags: Core theory Rules Theory
Categories: Philosophy Systems Theory
Violence describes a fauceir control that causes unpleasant feelings in an individual. It is subjective as the same type of control might be felt differently in various environment or by …
Tags: Anthropology Ideology Theory
Categories: Philosophy Sociology
Synonyms: Rule of visibility>
**Visibility Rule** states that other fauceirs are visible to a certain fauceir if and only if both can interact. And interaction usually requires common sub-fauceirs. Visibility can be described qualitatively …
Tags: Rules Theory
Categories: Epistemology Fauceir Theory
Synonyms: Mastermind - Vordenker>
I'm a great admirer of the English language. While learning it, I always detect new words and expressions. That is new words not in the sense I have not known …
Tags: Evolution Linguistic Theory
Synonyms: Reinforcement>
**Wallace Effect** is a honorific term that relates reinforcement to [[../AlfredRusselWallace|Alfred Russel Wallace]], the co-inventor—if not the original creator himself—of the theory of evolution by natural selection. The concept of …
Tags: Evolution Theory
This is actually a comment on comments made [[|on this web page]]. Probably it is a good idea to read this page first although I quoted the most interesting points. …
Tags: Control Information Psychology Society System Theory
Categories: Philosophy Sociology Systems Theory
Meme is an evolutionary unit devised by Richard Dawkins to explain social evolution in a fashion similar to genes<[>. [[|When I first learned about memes]], the fauceir concept was …
Tags: Adaptation Anthropology Core theory Genetics Ideology Religion Selection Sociology System Theory
Categories: Philosophy Sociology