logo4 Evolution is progress—                          
progress is creativity.        

Fauceir Evolution Theory

Fauceir evolution theory describes mechanisms of evolution from fauceir perspective. The abstract mechanisms are applicable to all levels of evolution. Biological evolution as studied by Darwinism and it varieties is just a specific subset of that general evolutionary theme.

The major object that undergoes evolution is the fauceir that has a limited set of properties and follows a few simple rules.

  1. A fauceir which consist of an unlimited number of sub-fauceirs (slaves) always interacts with other fauceirs.
  2. These interactions result in the formation of a new fauceir that has these two interacting fauceirs and all their elements as slaves. Those creations occur in infinite numbers in infinitesimal periods of time (rule of unlimited creation).
  3. All these newly created fauceirs are unstable (rule of limited time).
  4. By chance a few of these interactions cause an insulation. That is by such an interaction these fauceirs become more stable because inert to other destroying interactions. This stability entails a longer lifespan, so the chances increase that these stabilized fauceirs build up even more stable interactions.

Take members of a population instead of fauceirs in an unlimited Universe of fauceirs and you end up with the classical evolutionary theory. The unlimited creation of new fauceirs becomes variation and recombination of the genetic material and the adaptation by natural selection is just the process of insulation.

The evolution from inorganic matter all the way through biological individuals to social communities is a process of evolved evolution which comes as no surprise because evolution itself is just a fauceir.

The major devices that accelerated the pace of evolution include memory, inheritance, and specific competition devices.

Memory is already seen with inorganic material, but it significantly improved its effectiveness by evolving proteins and nucleic acids that not only allowed to store information more inertly (see insulation) but also to increase the capacity.

Inheritance is typical of biological fauceirs. It was possible to evolve only after an effective information storage was available. The reproduction of biological organisms following a certain blueprint was a great advantage as it allowed to improve insulation much faster.

War is an invention of human societies. It became possible and necessary after the evolution of inheritance. Among biological individuals the success of an inheritable information depends on the increased fitness and the better survival in a given population, so the feedback of such an selection process was rather slow. It was significantly improved when societies engaged in warfare.


(c) Mato Nagel, Weißwasser 2004-2025, Disclaimer