logo4 Evolution is progress—                          
progress is creativity.        


Generalization is method and result of a cognitive process that creates an epistemological fauceir that succinctly describes all possible states of a set of entities.

G cluster_E1 Entity #1 cluster_E2 Entity #2 cluster_A Abstraction cluster_G1 Rest #1 cluster_G2 Rest #1 a0 A0 c0 A0 a0->c0 a1 A1 a1->c0 a2 A2 a2->c0 a3 A3 a3->c0 a4 B1 a5 B2 b0 A0 c3 A3 b0->c3 b1 A1 b1->c3 b2 A2 b2->c3 b3 A3 b3->c3 b4 C1 b5 C2 c1 A1 c2 A2 c4 Rule g1 B1 c4->g1 g3 C1 c4->g3 g2 B2 g4 C2


Often generalizations are used with abstractions. In fact there are only few examples of generalizations used with non-abstract nouns. I can think of this one.There are two cats in this season's litter the female is Mimi and we call the male Rumbo.

Generalizations becomes powerful tool in connection with abstractions. Newton's law that all motions remain constant if there is no force exerted on it is such an example as it is true only for an abstract mass point with no friction. You may add friction as a negative force, however, there is no motion in the universe without friction or other forces that hinder a constant propagation


A misuse of generalization is known as sweeping generalizations, which is a fallacy.


(c) Mato Nagel, Weißwasser 2004-2025, Disclaimer